Kalèmie (Agenzia Fides) - "Conditions in the settlements in the territories of Kalémie and Kansimba and in the province of Tanganyika need to be urgently improved, healthcare must be made easily accessible, food aid should be provided for families and for the host community and those at risk of violence should be afforded protection", say Doctors Without Borders with regards to the emergency. "These people still live in desperate conditions and have limited access to health care, and face alarming shortages food, water, and shelters", says a note of the ong to Fides.
In Tanganyika province, nearly half a million people, were displaced between July 2016 and March 2017 due to violence, according to UN estimates. Over 44,000 are living in settlements around the city of Kalémie. "In April, during a measles vaccine campaign, we evaluated malnutrition in 5,700 children under five in ten of these settlements. Since March, our teams have been providing emergency assistance to displaced people in the territories of Kalémie and Kansimba through measles vaccinations, mobile clinics, water distribution, and the construction of latrines and showers in some of the settlements". An MSF team has also been providing medical assistance to a group of around 1,500 displaced people in the village of Moke, where 51% of children under the age of five were malnourished, 23% severely. (AP) (Agenzia Fides, 9/6/2017)