Rome (Fides Service) - Children all over Italy are getting thank you letters from Pope Benedict XVI. In recent months the children had written to the new Pope to tell him about their love for the Gospel and deep desire to be missionaries. It was Stefania Bascapé national secretary of the Pontifical Holy Childhood Society who suggested that the Pope might like to know about the work of child missionaries, members of Holy Childhood.
Among the happy letter receivers, first year catechism group at Our Lady of Loreto parish in Genoa. Here is our English translation of the letter: “Dear boys and girls, the Holy Father was very pleased to receive the messages and lovely drawings you sent him assuring him of your filial trust, affection and prayers. He thanks you and finds great support in the affection of children and young people for his service to the Church. He rejoices for this sign of joyful closeness to his person and invokes the protection of the Mother of Jesus on you, your families and parish priests and catechists and gladly sends you his Blessing, a pledge of grace and hope”. (S.L.) (Agenzia Fides 2/12/2005, righe 15, parole 215)