Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) – Sheikh Mohammad Ahmad Husayn, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem has publicly denounced the recent occupation of land belonging to the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, by the Israeli army describing it as an act of aggression aimed to increase the occupation of Palestinian territory by Israeli settlers. The Grand Mufti urged world political leaders to intervene to stop the “policy of the accomplished fact” which continues in the Holy Land despite various international resolutions.
A total 60 acres (or 25 hectares) of land belonging to the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem have been occupied by the Israeli army and transformed into a military garrison. The occupied land, as Fides has already reported (see Fides 28/11/2018), includes the villages of Tayasir and Bardala, in the northern area of the Jordan Valley. Palestinian associations and media describe the act as a violation of international law. The confiscated land is close to a pre-existing Israeli military camp recently restructured with permanent buildings.
On Wednesday 28 November also the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem issued a statement condemning the appropriation of the lands on the part of the Israeli army, promising to tackle the matter appropriately to prevent “further similar damages”. (PR) (Agenzia Fides 30/11/2018)
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