Teotihuacan (Agenzia Fides) - Without providing details in this regard, Fr. Francisco Núñez Martinez’s sister announced that the priest has been found alive, five days after his disappearance in the State of Mexico (see Fides, 31/10/2020). The disappearance of the priest of Tarimoro had been denounced in Tecámac, in the state of Mexico. In order to solicit his research, a popular demonstration was also organized at the State Attorney General's Office.
Mgr. Guillermo Francisco Escobar Galicia, Bishop of the diocese of Teotihuacan, confirmed the news with a brief message, sent to Fides, in which "he communicates to the faithful the joy of knowing that Father Francisco Núñez Martinez is safe and sound with his family". The note was released by the diocese's social media with the date of October 31st. (CE) (Agenzia Fides, 3/11/2020)