Königstein (Fides Service) - A popular Children’s Bible produced some years ago by Aid to the Church in Need is now available on line in Arabic, Chinese and Turkish and fifteen other languages. Aid to the Church in Need ACN is a Catholic aid agency founded by Dutch Norbertine priest Fr Werenfried (1913 - 2003), today has its head offices in Königstein, Germany. The German edition of the Children’s Bible went on line a year ago.
ACN worked on this project in collaboration with the German Catholic Liturgical Institute and hopes soon to make the Children Bible available on line www.kirche-in-not.de/kinderbibel in the 152 languages into which it has been translated.
“We want children all over the world to have access to the Bible, to able to read and print Christian scripture ” said ACN family office director Maria Zurowski. “To make the web site attractive and accessible for children the page has a symbol for every different function and a world map for choosing the language. Visitors can print one or more pages and also order additional material on-line”.
Aid to the Church in Need was founded in 1947, and was later given the title of Association of Pontifical Right. With 17 national offices it collects an average of 70 million US dollars and meets over 8,000 calls for help in 130 different countries. Its funds go mainly towards formation of priests, building and repair of seminaries and churches, translation of the Bible and other religious works, production of religious radio programmes. (MS) (Agenzia Fides, 21/03/2006 - righe 25, parole 268)