Rome (Fides Service)- “This year will be the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Society for African Missions. The General Assembly to be held a few months after the celebration of the event will be a special moment in our history: we are proud of what our members have achieved; we look to the future and search together for ways to carry forward and achieve the vision of our Founder and fulfil our mission” said Fr. Kieran O’Reilly, Superior General of the Society for African Missions when he announced a SMA general assembly 16 April 2006 to 12 May 2007. The task of the assembly will include: preserve the Society’s heritage; verify the Society’s life and activity in order to renew its energy to continue the mission; plan for the future; elect a new Superior General and his Council.
“Preparation for the assembly has begun” said Fr. O’Reilly. “The entire Society is involved in a consultation with regard to the Congregation’s future structures in the light of significant changes in the past 20 years”.
A questionnaire has been sent out to every SMA member. As part of his activity in preparation for the general assembly the SMA Superior General met religious operating in Bangui and Berberati in the Central African Republic where, Fr O’Reilly said, “there is an international group of our missionaries from 7 countries France, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Poland, Togo and Zimbabwe deeply involved in the work of the Society and service of the most abandoned people as our Mgr. de Brésillac wished. (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 22/3/2006 righe 25 parole 286)