Alajuela (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church, as an expert on humanity, is close to people, she works in solidarity and proclaims to them the fullness to which they are called in Christ. She is therefore present in the field of education, which is essential for personal and family growth and well-being , is privileged for the good progress of our society, for the creation of a culture of friendship with humanity and the common home", said Mgr. Bartolomé Buigues Oller, Bishop of the diocese of Alajuela, in the message he published on the occasion of November when the Church of Costa Rica asks "to consider, thank, pray, for educators and education".
The motto chosen this year is "The educator, committed to a culture of solidarity". "We celebrated the bicentenary of our country and with it the recognition of a common culture of solidarity that we have produced during this time", the bishop writes in the message. Among the fundamental values that have forged us as a country is the Christian faith, which has deeply permeated our culture in all its manifestations: attitudes, customs, architecture, art ... "
The bishop notes that the pandemic has disrupted educational work, affecting the quality of education and leading to more school drop-outs. Among other things, inequalities in the field of education have increased. "Let us take all of this as a challenge for our generous response", warns the bishop and looks hopefully at Pope Francis' call for a global "educational pact" "to revive the commitment of and with the younger generations and the passion for a more open and inclusive education, capable of patient listening, constructive dialogue and mutual understanding". Bishop Bartolomé Buigues Oller therefore invites "to join efforts for a broad educational alliance" and "to establish networks for education". "Education is the task of educators, of every family and every community involved in education", he emphasizes. (SL) (Agenzia Fides, 10/11/2021)
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