Sydney (Fides Service) - A fusion of names and symbols indicates renewed commitment in the field of social assistance. Various Catholic bodies operating in Australia, have merged to form Catholic Social Services Australia network. Presented by the Australian Church as a sign of a presence and greater effort in the field of social and health services, the new organism has a logo which the new director Frank Quinlan, explains intends to express a new identity. “The logo consists of a cross, composed of many different points representing contributions from all sides for the social promotion of the people ”.
Most of the members of the new organisation come from “Centacare”, whose workers are socially committed religious and lay people. Despite the changes the Director said the goals remain the same: “Promote and co-ordinate Catholic commitment in social services and be a prophetic voice for those excluded from society or pushed to the margin”.
“We will carry on offering assistance to the poor- said Quinlan - and supporting social policies more inclusive for those in need. We want to work for the human and spiritual wellbeing of all Australians. Together we will have the strength and ability to meet the needs of all, contrasting the individualism which pervades our society”. (Agenzia Fides 28/4/2006 righe 24 parole 242)