Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - Out of a population of 1.4 million about 700,000 children aged 6 month to 14 years have been vaccinated against measles. After malaria, this illness is one of the main killers of children in Guinea Bissau. About two thousand health workers are involved as volunteers in the campaign.
Besides the vaccination against highly contagious measles, the children also receive doses iof vitamin A and a medicine to prevent worms.
In the last outbreak in the country in 2004 2,455 children were infected and 63 died.
According to the UN Annual on Human Development Guinea Bissau is the 5th poorest country on the planet. The main resource for the country’s economy is agriculture. (AP) (3/6/2006 Agenzia Fides; Righe:14; Parole:138)