Paramatta (Agenzia Fides) - New Church Movements and Communities are a springtime for mission in Oceania said Bishop Kevin Manning of Paramatta diocese after Pope Benedict XVI June 3 meeting in Rome with Movements and Communities on the feast of Pentecost. The Bishop said new communities and groups such as the New Catechumen Way, Communion and Liberation etc born as fruits of the Second Vatican Council brought winds of renewal which Australian Catholics are called to welcome and embrace in view of a new season of mission in Oceania. “Renewal must be welcomed and seen as encouragement and new life for the Church. The different charisma enrich the whole community” the bishop said calling on people to open their hearts to welcome the gifts which Holy Spirit continues to pour out on the Church. He said the whole of Oceania must benefit from these new contributions with a spirit of openness and availability.
The Catholic Bishops of Australia urge all Catholics, individuals, groups, youth movements, to be active in the life of the Church. They say “it is deeply moving to listen to reports on the wondrous work of Movements and to be able to rely on their activity and spirituality”.
“Lay movements, associations, new communities born since the Council are a treasure for the Church, they strengthen her and give her new vitality. They have the effect of a blood transfusion for the Church in the third millennium”, said Bishop Christopher Prowse, auxiliary of Melbourne. Bishop Prowse underlined the main elements which mark the identity of Church Movements and encouraged young Catholics to join one of these groups which offer support for growth in the faith. He also aid that Movements must keep in mind certain points: the call to holiness; strong love for Jesus Christ and for the Church; constant reference to the teaching of the Pope; daily listening to the Word of God and full sacramental life; special focus on evangelisation, assuming social responsibility; love for Mary; commitment to ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue. (Agenzia Fides 6/6/2006 righe 26 parole 263)