Hangzhou (Agenzia Fides) - "All this was truly a grace and a special gift from God: in the contacts and exchanges with the other participants in the Synod, we experienced the common path of the whole Church. Everyone was able to take a broader and more positive look at the life of the Church in China and was amazed by the stories of devotion and faith of Catholics in China," said the Bishop of Hangzhou, Joseph Yang Yongqiang, summarizing the most important impressions and experiences during his participation in the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, held in Rome last October on the theme "For a synodal Church: communion, participation, mission". Bishop Vincenzo Zhan Silu was also present in Rome.
These experiences were described by Bishop Yang during his recent meeting with the priests of the Diocese of Hangzhou on December 5, which focused on guidelines and reflections regarding the celebrations in the context of the Holy Year 2025 and the joint planning of pastoral work for the coming year.
As for the celebration of the Jubilee Year, Bishop Han Yongqiang announced that the opening of the Jubilee Year at the diocesan level will take place on December 28 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Hangzhou. The Cathedral itself, as well as the churches of Our Lady of the Rosary, the Magi and Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, will be Jubilee Shrines for the entire duration of the Jubilee Year. Meetings will be organized in parishes to deepen the Papal Bull for the Holy Year “Spes non confundit” and initiatives will be developed to encourage participation in pilgrimages and obtain Jubilee indulgences in accordance with the norms established by the Church.
In view of Christmas, Bishop Joseph Yang called on all priests to work synodally with their parishioners and to coordinate with the competent civil authorities to ensure a peaceful and orderly conduct of liturgical celebrations.
With regard to the planning of pastoral activities for 2025, the Bishop stressed the urgency of harmonious collaboration and called on priests to work in communion with all parts of the People of God and to serve the Church in obedience to the faith under the guidance of the diocesan bishop. (NZ) (Agenzia Fides, 12/12/2024)
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