Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - An introduction to contemporary understandings of mission, the educational significance of evangelisation, Catholic Social Teaching and justice issues, dynamic intervention between the faith of the community and its culture, are some of the contents of a 2007 Maters Programme offered by the Columban Mission Institute at the Catholic Institute of Sydney for theology and ministry. The programme will consist of two semesters. The first will focus on New Models and Images for Mission, the second will be devoted to Evangelisation today, Justice and the Church’s Mission, Faith Mission and Culture. The course is open to clergy, religious and lay people interested in in-depth formation on subjects connected with missiology.
The principle lecturers will be Fr. Noel Connolly and Fr. Cyril Hally, but the students will also listen to religious and laity with direct experience in mission. The Catholic Institute of Sydney (CIS) seeks to be a community of faith and learning, a community whose members work together through scholarship and service to bring the Gospel into dialogue with Australian Culture. In order to realise its mission, the CIS promotes study in theology, philosophy, and the humanities; it draws upon and develops the intellectual and spiritual heritage of the Catholic Church and the wider Christian tradition; it is enriched by its participation in the Sydney College of Divinity; and it values and learns from other religious traditions. The CIS is committed to the pursuit of excellence, intellectual integrity, and academic freedom. In all its relationships, it is dedicated to co-responsibility, justice and equity. (PA) (Agenzia Fides 6/2/2007 righe 25 parole 245)