Vatican City (Fides Service) - «O My God», «Patrem Immensae Majestatis»: in the Te Deum hymn we sing the Holy Church proclaims thy glory Father of Infinite Majesty. It is indispensable to remember Who it is we address, although in his Infinite Love He has deigned to some to dwell among us, He is God Almighty. The New Testament completes the Old Testament: God, the God of Abraham is the same God the Father revealed to us in Jesus: «whoever sees me, sees the Father» (Jn 14, 9b).
Let us return to certain passages of the Old Testament in order to remember God’s greatness when we address Him, when we act like the dissatisfied ‘Prodigal’ Son, rejecting or ignoring the advice of Our Father, who is Infinite Goodness …when we destroy ourselves and that all He created with loving care: «God saw everything was good» (Genesis 1.)
Jacob’s Dream.
Jacob, the son of Isaac had a dream in which he saw a
Moses and the Burning Bush
Isaiah’s Vision in the Temple in Jerusalem
«I saw the Lord seated on a high and lofty throne with the train of his garment filling the temple. Seraphim were stationed above … they cried to one another: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts. The earth is full of his glory.> (Isaiah 6, 1b, 2a, 3). and overcome with awe Isaiah cried «woe is me I am a man of unclean lips» (verse 5c).
Today we too like the Seraphim sing the ‘Sanctus’ prayer Holy, Holy, Holy and the ‘Gloria Patri’ «Glory be to the Father… as it was in the beginning, now and forever Amen ». (to be continued) (J.M.) (Agenzia Fides 21/3/2007, righe 30, parole 440)