12 June 2014
AMERICA/BRAZIL - The World Cup begins with a "Red Card to Child Labour"
San Paolo (Agenzia Fides) - Today, June 12, during the opening of the World Cup, when the eyes of the world will be pointed towards the Itaquerão stadium in San Pablo, the global campaign "Red Card to Child Labour" will ...
12 June 2014
AFRICA/CONGO DR - Massacre in South Kivu: it is not land conflict but clash among local politicians
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - Thirty-one dead and 29 injured. This is the toll of the assault committed by a group of armed men in the village of Mutarule, in the Ruzizi Plain, in South Kivu (eastern Democratic Republic of ...
12 June 2014
ASIA/IRAQ - Archbishop Nona: Muslims defend a church from depredations in Mosul
Mosul (Agenzia Fides) - "Now in Mosul jihadist militants control the city and the situation is calm. But we do not know who they are and what they want to do now". His Excellency Amel Shamon Nona, Chaldean Archbishop of ...
12 June 2014
ASIA/LEBANON - The annual Synod of the Maronite Church has begun. Patriarch Rai: let us pray so that a new President is elected
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The delay in the election of a new Lebanese president is "an unacceptable violation of the Constitution and of the national covenant". With these words, the Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites, ...
12 June 2014
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - The Archbishop of Bangui brings aid to 600 Muslims fleeing violence
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "The flight of the Muslims from Central Africa is a serious problem. If we do not want Christians to assimilate those who have hurt them, they must be helped by Christians. We need to act quickly ...
11 June 2014
AMERICA/BRAZIL - "The only goal that matters is the demarcation of our lands", say the indigenous
Mato Preto (Agenzia Fides) - "For us indigenous, the only goal that matters is the demarcation of our lands": this is the statement of Sonia Guajajaras, coordinator of the association that brings together the indigenous ...
11 June 2014
EUROPE/PORTUGAL - After 500 years, the Diocese of Funchal relaunches the commitment to be "Church in Mission"
Funchal (Agenzia Fides) - "We hope that the commemorations of the 500 years of the Diocese may help to revive the memory of our values, to create new projects and new forms of the Church's commitment to the people and so ...
11 June 2014
ASIA/IRAQ - After Mosul, the jihadists of ISIL aim for Kirkuk. Patriarch Sako: a government of national unity is needed
Kirkuk (Agenzia Fides) - After the capture of Mosul, the advance continues on the Iraqi territory on behalf of rebels of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), the jihadist faction also active in the Syrian con ...
11 June 2014
AFRICA/NIGERIA - The Bishops: "necessary to ensure the rights of all religions throughout the Country"
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "Religion is a powerful social force, but it can be used for both good and evil. The role that the political system assigns to religion has a lot to do with the impact it can have on the nation, f ...
11 June 2014
AFRICA - Economics and Finance: Is Africa the continent of the future?
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Nigeria is the largest promising market for investments of European and American multinationals. This was stated in a study conducted by the Wall Street Journal on the Frontier Markets Sentiment In ...
11 June 2014
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - The plight of child migrants from Central America and forced to repatriate
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The Pentagon has announced that it will host 1,800 undocumented children who arrived alone in the United States, mostly from Central America, because their number has exceeded the carrying ca ...
11 June 2014
ASIA/IRAQ - Kirkuk defended by the Kurdish Peshmerga. In churches one prays: enough violence and pain
Kirkuk (Agenzia Fides) - The villages around Kirkuk are already beyond the control of the Iraqi government, while in the urban area people are locked up in the house and the Kurdish Peshmerga militia have come from Kurdi ...
10 June 2014
AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - A motorway to unite the country ... even the Church is moving
San Juan (Agenzia Fides) - According to the Bishop of San Juan de la Maguana in the Dominican Republic, His Exc. Mgr. José Dolores Grullón Estrella, the population of the capital has discouraged the President of the Re ...
10 June 2014
AMERICA/ECUADOR - Projects in favor of Children: day care, healthy eating, education
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - Attention and special measures for Ecuadorian children are some of the objectives of the local government Currently, thanks to a program that is part of the project of Infant Buen Vivir (CIBV) cen ...
10 June 2014
AFRICA/ERITREA - "A desolated and grief-stricken Country, this is why the population flees", denounce the Bishops
Asmara (Agenzia Fides) - "There is no need to emigrate if one lives in a decent Country" say the Bishops of Eritrea in a 36 page pastoral letter, written on the occasion of the anniversary of the independence of the Coun ...
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