2 June 2014
ASIA/SYRIA – The jiahdists of ISIL in Raqqa confiscate the property of Christians
Raqqa (Agenzia Fides) - The militiamen of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), a Sunni jiahdist formation acting on the scenario of the Syrian conflict, confiscated houses and land belonging to Christian fami ...
2 June 2014
ASIA/NEPAL - The new Apostolic Vicar walks "in the light of the Word of God"
Kathmandu (Agenzia Fides) - On June 29, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the episcopal ordination of Mgr. Paul Simick, former pastor of the Cathedral of Darjeeling, appointed by the Pope as new Apostolic Vicar of Nepa ...
2 June 2014
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni to the seminarians in Otélé : "without the logic of holiness, the priestly ministry would simply be a social function"
Otélé (Agenzia Fides) - After spending two days in Equatorial Guinea, Cardinal Fernando Filoni returned to Cameroon, where on June 1st, he concluded his visit meeting seminarians and formators of the pastoral and prepa ...
2 June 2014
AFRICA/CAMEROON - Missionaries released: "A grace of God and a time of joy for the Church", said Cardinal Filoni who met them
Yaounde (Agenzia Fides ) - "We thank God for this moment of joy he has given the Church of Cameroon", says Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, in a statement released ...
2 June 2014
ASIA/LAOS – A Christian arrested and mocked by the police because refuses to renounce his faith
Savannakhet (Agenzia Fides) - Five security officers in the village of Loynam, in Nong district in the province of Savannakhet, arrested a Christian man named Sort, they tied him to a pole and then they laughed and kept ...
2 June 2014
AFRICA/SUDAN - "The condemnation of Mariam Yehya Ibrahim is a direct persecution of Christians " say the Sudanese Christian Churches
Khartoum (Agenzia Fides) - The death sentence of Mariam Yehya Ibrahim, a Christian woman accused of apostasy, is a "clear and direct persecution of Christians in Sudan". This was denounced by the Christian churches in Su ...
2 June 2014
VATICAN - Death of Cardinal Lourdusamy, he was Secretary of Propaganda Fide and President of the PMS
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal D. Simon Lourdusamy, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches passed away last night in Rome. He was born in Kalleri, Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore ...
31 May 2014
AFRICA/MOROCCO – Healthcare for women and children improves
Rabat (Agenzia Fides) – In Morocco in recent decades good progress has been made in the field of healthcare for women and children. Nevertheless the rate of mother-child mortality remains concerning, especially when t ...
31 May 2014
AFRICA/SUDAN – Women in refugee camps beaten and tortured
Gireida (Agenzia Fides) – Atrocities and violence continue in camps for refugees. Some 19 women in a camp for displaced persons in Gireida, are reported to have been beaten and tortured by armed men. The local Radio Da ...
31 May 2014
VATICAN - Priorities for the Bishops of Equatorial Guinea: evangelisation ad gentes, family pastoral, ongoing formation for clergy and laity
Mongomo (Agenzia Fides) – “Situated in the heart of central west Africa, the Church in Equatorial Guinea is one of the oldest in the sub-Sahara region. Our faithful here are the heirs of great missionary work undert ...
31 May 2014
VATICAN – Like Mary “called to announce the joy of the Gospel”: Cardinal Filoni concludes the Marian month of May in Equatorial Guinea
Mongomo (Agenzia Fides) – “Just as Mary feels called to visit her cousin Elizabeth to see how she is in her state of advanced pregnancy and to assist her, I like to think that I too, as a co-worker of the Holy Father ...
31 May 2014
ASIA/TURKEY – Mobilisation to reconvert Ayasofya Musem back into a mosque
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) – In an Istanbul braced for the first anniversary of the Gezi Park revolt, the Saudi Imam Abdullah Basfar is to lead street prayers organised for Saturday 31 May in front of Ayasofya Museum to ...
31 May 2014
AFRICA/MALAWI - Malawi has a new President
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides)- Malawi has a new president. He is Peter Arthur Mutharika, 74 year old brother of Bingu wa Mutharika, President who died in 2012 while in office, succeeded by Joyce Banda who has led the country ...
30 May 2014
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - Once again Catholic Bishops urge politicians to approve without delay immigration reform
Washington (Agenzia Fides) – The same group of American Catholic Bishops who went on April 1st this year to the border between Arizona and Mexico to commemorate more than six thousand people who lost their lives while ...
30 May 2014
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - The attack on Our Lady of Fatima parish in which a priest was killed was carried out by foreigners
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) – The perpetrators of the attack on Our Lady of Fatima parish church in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic, spoke neither French nor the locale Sango, Fides was told by Archbish ...
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