20 May 2014
AFRICA/MALAWI - "The most uncertain elections in the last 20 years, but democracy is a fact accepted by all", says a missionary
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - "In 20 years of democracy, these elections are the most uncertain in Malawi", says Fr. Piergiorgio Gamba, a Monfortan missionary who has been working in Malawi for decades, where today, 20 May, ...
20 May 2014
ASIA/THAILAND - Martial law declared: for the Church it is urgent "to open a channel between the parties"
Bangkok ( Agenzia Fides ) - "We were in a situation of institutional stalemate for a long time. Because of uncertainty and insecurity, the population welcomed the intervention of the army which is not a coup but serves t ...
20 May 2014
AMERICA/MEXICO - Integrating Mayan disabled children by developing their artistic skills
Merida (Agenzia Fides) - Scorned and very often segregated into their homes, hundreds of Mayan disabled children and adolescents are a tool to overcome discrimination and increase their creativity in developing their art ...
20 May 2014
AFRICA/KENYA - Overcrowding and lack of assistance aggravate the situation of children in refugee camps
Kakuma (Agenzia Fides) – More and immediate physical space and additional support for children are among the emerging priorities in the Kakuma refugee camp, in north-western Kenya, where waves of refugees continue to a ...
20 May 2014
AFRICA/LIBYA - "There are presuppositions for a Civil War, but the people want peace", said Mgr. Martinelli
Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - "No shooting, but the situation remains tense, because it is not clear what lies beneath and what the various militias want to do", says to Fides Agency His Exc. Mgr. Giovanni Innocenzo Martinel ...
20 May 2014
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - The Church on the eve of talks with the government: problems are not solved by ignoring them
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church is ready to open dialogue with the Government of Nicaragua: the first meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, May 21 (see Fides 09/05/2014; 14/05/2014).
On Sunday aft ...
19 May 2014
ASIA/SINGAPORE – A ten-year plan for the Church: God's Word at the center and New Evangelization
Singapore ( Agenzia Fides) - Starting afresh from the Gospel and engage in the New Evangelization: is the approach that will characterize the Church in Singapore in the near future. This was outlined by Archbishop Willia ...
19 May 2014
ASIA/JORDAN - 1,400 children to receive first communion at Pope-led mass at the Amman Stadium
Amman (Agenzia Fides) – About 1400 boys and girls from all over Jordan will receive the sacrament of communion for the first time during the Mass that Pope Francis will celbrate on Saturday, May 24 at the Amman Interna ...
19 May 2014
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - The Bishop of Tumaco: "here the State has not existed for years, childhood is abandoned to its fate"
Tumaco (Agenzia Fides) - "In Tumaco children are taken away by the FARC and criminal gangs, they are simply taken away for their war": is the complaint by His Exc. Mgr. Gustavo Giron Higuita, OCD, Bishop of Tumaco, who p ...
19 May 2014
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA – Missionary children evangelize their peers with the first Bible in Oromo language
Kofale (Agenzia Fides) - The first "little missionaries" left from Kofale, Arsi region of Ethiopia, ready to evangelize their peers in Gode. With their notebooks, in which were represented the most salient scenes of the ...
19 May 2014
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christians, Ahmadis and a TV station: new victims of the blasphemy law
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - The blasphemy law continues to claim victims in Pakistan. The last cases reported by Fides concern some Christians, Ahmadis, and a popular TV station - "Geo Tv".
As Fides learns on 17 May a blas ...
19 May 2014
ASIA/SYRIA - Armenian Catholic Archbishop Marayati: Christians flee from Aleppo, besieged city
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - "In recent weeks we have seen a new wave of the exodus of Christians from Aleppo. The families waited for high school to end, then they took their luggage, closed their homes and fled to the coas ...
19 May 2014
AFRICA/SOMALIA - Humanitarian agencies: interventions are urgently needed for the population
Mogadishu (Agenzia Fides) - The Somali crisis has hit the Country for more than 20 years. Currently famine, war and disease exacerbate the situation. Humanitarian agencies that are having to cope with a further imminent ...
17 May 2014
AMERICA/PERU - Ceramic workshop in prison, with the help of the local Church
Huancayo (Agenzia Fides) - The prison in the city of La Oroya in the central Andes of Peru, has opened a ceramic workshop equipped with the machinery required for all stages of the production process. The inauguration ce ...
17 May 2014
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Historic agreement in the peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, May 16, the session on the third point in the talks between the representatives of the Peace talks between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC ...
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