AMERICA/CHILE - Michelle Bachelet, Chile's new president
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - The Socialist Michelle Bachelet, a 62-year-old pediatrician, separated with three children, president of Chile from 2006 to 2010, will again lead the country in "Palacio de la Moneda". After wo ...
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - South Sudan quashes coup attempt, says President Kiir
Juba ( Agenzia Fides) - South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir says on December 16 that an attempted coup by some military units has been put down. It comes after heavy gunfire overnight in the capital, Juba. Fighting brok ...
ASIA/HOLY LAND - Storm Alexa: Patriarch Twal's call for Syrian refugees
Jerusalem (Agenzia Fides) The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem Fouad Twal emphasizes the urgency to increase aid to Syrian refugees, at a time when even the weather conditions contribute to making their condition even more d ...
13 December 2013
AMERICA/URUGUAY - The legalization of marijuana will destroy family
Montevideo (Agenzia Fides) - The Senate of Uruguay approved the law on the control and regulation of marijuana, with 16 votes in favor and 13 against, this will be the first country in the world to legalize the productio ...
AFRICA/SUDAN - 25% less aid to 6 million Sudanese in difficulty
Khartoum (Agenzia Fides) - More than 6 million Sudanese are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. Compared to last year there has been an increase of 1 million 700 thousand people in need. This is what the Coordinator of H ...