5 December 2013
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Voting is "a moral obligation": the Archbishop of Caracas invites to participate in the municipal elections
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - "Voting is an important moral obligation. It strengthens democracy and ensures the welfare of Venezuelans in each of the municipalities. We are all called to participate actively in a decisive a ...
5 December 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - Conflicting statements on the issue of the Sisters of Maalula
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - The story of the nuns of Santa Tecla taken from the convent after the occupation of the city of Maalula by anti-Assad militias remains unclear.
According to sources in Damascus confirmed to a ...
4 December 2013
ASIA/IRAQ - Intellectual and political campaign against the exodus of Christians
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) –Non-stop interventions on behalf of intellectuals, journalists and Iraqi politicians mostly of Muslim faith have been launched on the website as a contribution to counteract the ...
4 December 2013
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Solidarity with Muslims: Advent message on behalf of the movement "Silsilah"
Zamboanga (Agenzia Fides) - Among the many disasters and conflicts in the Philippines and around the world, adding divisions and prejudices, and have re-opened old wounds, the movement for dialogue "Silsilah", active for ...
4 December 2013
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni in Guadeloupe: "the time has come for this local Church to reawaken the enthusiasm for evangelization"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The time has come for this local Church to reawaken the enthusiasm for evangelization. Deepen the faith of those who are already baptized and share it with those who have drifted away from ...
4 December 2013
AFRICA/TOGO - "Do not lose hope in spite of social unrest", write the Bishops
Lomé (Agenzia Fides) - "Can we speak of hope while the socio-political situation seems somewhat disturbing?" ask the Bishops of Togo in a pastoral letter published for Advent, focusing on Christian hope.
In the documen ...
4 December 2013
ASIA/INDIA - Faithful mobilization after the murder of a Christian child
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - Bring to justice the killers of Anugrag Gemethi, a 7-year-old Christian boy, also called Anmol, tortured and killed in a village in Rajasthan (northwestern India): this is what a mobilization ...
4 December 2013
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - A hundred years of the ecclesiastical Province: a feast with our eyes on the country’s situation
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - Thousands of Catholics from all over the country gathered on the morning of December 2, at the Cathedral of Managua, to celebrate the centenary of the Ecclesiastical Province of Managua. The Spe ...
4 December 2013
AFRICA/CHAD - Consecration of the cathedral of Mongo
N'Djamena (Agenzia Fides) - "The Christians of the Apostolic Vicariate of Mongo, 500 km from N'Djamena, capital of Chad, experienced a particular ecclesial event: the consecration of the Cathedral of St. Ignatius", write ...
4 December 2013
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Bishop of Oberá calls for a referendum on the construction of two hydroelectric dams
Misiones (Agenzia Fides) - The Diocese of Oberá sent an official petition to the local government and the House of Representatives of the Province of Misiones, demanding a referendum on two hydroelectric projects that c ...
3 December 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - Patriarch Gregory III: "True martyrs in Maalula"
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - "We are determined to remain in this blessed land even at the cost of martyrdom and martyrdom of blood. This has already happened to some of our faithful, such as the three men from Maalula, Mi ...
3 December 2013
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni opens the Year of Evangelization in Castries: "re-igniting enthusiasm for the proclamation of the Gospel"
Vatican City - (Agenzia Fides) - "It is truly a great joy for me to celebrate this Eucharist Liturgy with you on the beautiful island nation of Saint Lucia. Today we not only celebrate the first day of Advent, but also t ...
3 December 2013
ASIA/IRAN - After the nuclear agreement, it is urgent to look at human rights in Iran
Tehran (Agenzia Fides) - "There is an increase in human rights violations and executions in Iran. Religious minorities continue to suffer persecution. After the agreement on the nuclear issue in Geneva, the issue of huma ...
3 December 2013
ASIA/IRAQ - Chaldean Patriarchate to Christians: sign up to the electoral lists and participate as candidates
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - The Patriarchate of Babylon of the Chaldeans has issued an invitation to its faithful to renew or check that their names are on the the lists of voters and to get the electoral cards to guarante ...
3 December 2013
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - "We cannot live in fear, we must take the path of peace", says the Archbishop of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - The Archbishop of Santa Cruz, His Exc. Mgr. Sergio Gualberti, has asked to "take the path of peace and transform weapons into instruments of labor, decent work to ensure a dignified life for ...
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