13 February 2013
AFRICA/CONGO DR - "To help child soldiers we need to build schools"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "We found that children who voluntarily enter into armed groups are those who do not go to school. This is why it is important that in North Kivu there are always more schools and educated yout ...
13 February 2013
VATICAN -Thanksgiving of the CEP and of the missionary Churches to Benedict XVI
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Mass was concelebrated in the Chapel of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, presided over by the Secretary of the Congregation, His Exc. Mgr. Hon Tai-Fai and saw th ...
13 February 2013
ASIA/INDIA - Catholics: a moratorium on the death penalty is urgently needed
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - A few days after the execution of Afzal Guru, one of the terrorists responsible for the attack on the Indian Parliament in 2001, the Indian Catholic movements, while expressing solidarity and ...
13 February 2013
ASIA/BAHRAIN - The king of the Country donates land for the construction of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Arabia
Manama (Agenzia Fides) - "Bahrain will soon have a new church!" This is what was announced this morning to Fides Agency by Mgr. Camillo Ballin, mccj, Apostolic Vicar of north Arabia, vicariate which includes Bahrain, Kuw ...
13 February 2013
AMERICA/CUBA - Pioneers of the economy in the Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba
Santiago de Cuba (Agenzia Fides) – On March 5, 2013 the "Course for small business entrepreneurs" starts in the parish of "St. Therese of the Child Jesus" of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Cuba, promoted and directed b ...
13 February 2013
ASIA/TAIWAN - The National Council of Churches promotes campaigns to raise awareness in society
Tai Chun (Agenzia Fides) - "Against all forms of violence, we must protect life." Ecumenism, the promotion of indigenous peoples and the most vulnerable continue to be the main objective of the National Council of Church ...
12 February 2013
VATICAN - The feelings of the Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, His Exc. Mgr. Savio Hon Tai Fai, after the announcement of the Pope’s resignation
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, His Exc. Mgr. Savio Hon Tai Fai, released to Fides Agency the following statement: "For me, this news was out of the blu ...
12 February 2013
AMERICA/HONDURAS - After 438 years the parish of Carmel comes back to life
Yojoa (Agenzia Fides) - There was a big crowd on Sunday, February 10 in Yojoa in the Department of Cortés, Honduras, to see up close the old adobe floor of one of the most ancient temples in Honduras, built in the late ...
12 February 2013
VATICAN - Cardinal Filoni in Vailankanni: following Mary's footsteps, we must "bear witness to our faith through our actions."
Vailankanni (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church in India is a very vibrant church with a long and deep tradition, and in the context of today’s milieu, you face many challenges in presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a c ...
12 February 2013
AFRICA/MALI - Religious leaders consulted on the crisis of the Malian army
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The Prime Minister met with the religious leaders of Mali, including the Archbishop of Bamako, His Exc. Mgr. Jean Zerbo, to ask their opinion on how to handle the fight within the Malian army" s ...
12 February 2013
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC- There is still instability despite the new government of national unity
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - The formation of a national unity government has not yet put an end to the instability in the Central African Republic. According to local media, the rebels Seleka of the coalition, which receive ...
12 February 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - New violence against Christians in Punjab, while Fouzia Bibi’s rapists go unpunished
Pattoki (Agenzia Fides) - Intimidation and violence against Christian families in Punjab: the last episode registered by Fides Agency happened in the village of Pattoki, in the district of Kasur, which had already record ...
12 February 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - Two priests kidnapped by the rebels. Archbishop Marayati: let us wait to know what they want
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - The fate of the two priests Michel Kayyal (Armenian Catholic) and Maher Mahfouz (Greek Orthodox) kidnapped by a group of armed rebels on Saturday, February 9 on the road that leads from Aleppo to ...
12 February 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - World Day of the Sick: "Take care of the sick and preach the Gospel"
Okara (Agenzia Fides) - On February 11 the World Day of the Sick was celebrated. Worldwide several initiatives were promoted, among them the Lay Camillian Family (LCF) together with the group of charismatic prayer St. Ca ...
12 February 2013
ASIA/MYANMAR - The Burmese people entrusts the peace of the country to the Virgin Mary
Nyaunglebin (Agenzia Fides) - The pilgrimage of over 70 thousand Catholic faithful and non, to the Marian Shrine of Nyaunglebin (the most famous in Myanmar), on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, was an opportunity to ent ...
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