31 January 2013
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Year of Faith: catechism for children arrives online
Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - The new technology applied to evangelization: in the Year of Faith, in which catechesis is a cornerstone of the renewed commitment of the local churches, in Pakistan Sunday school catechism for ...
31 January 2013
ASIA/INDIA - Malnutrition and childhood diseases for children in the slums in the south of the country
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - In recent decades, in India there has been a rapid and disorganized urbanization. The impact of childhood illnesses and malnutrition in this population remains difficult to quantify. A group o ...
31 January 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - A church destroyed in Mesopotamia. The Archbishop: "With war everyone loses"
Hassake (Agenzia Fides) - The Syrian Orthodox Church of St. Mary and the Christian school of Al-Wahda were destroyed in Deir Ezzor, a town of Mesopotamia, at the center of fighting that has caused an exodus of the civili ...
31 January 2013
AFRICA/LIBYA - Two religious communities forced to leave Cyrenaica, complaint by Mgr. Martinelli, "In coming days we expect difficult times"
Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - "Two religious communities leave Cyrenaica after being pressured by fundamentalists" is the complaint made to Fides Agency by His Exc. Mgr. Giovanni Innocenzo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Trip ...
31 January 2013
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - For the U.S. Bishops the parliamentary agreement on immigration reform is "an important first step"
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - "An important first step," this is how, in a statement, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops welcomed the recent agreement on the reform of immigration law by Congress. The agreem ...
31 January 2013
ASIA/TAIWAN - "A hot winter" Chinese New Year full of love also for the most vulnerable
Tai Pei (Agenzia Fides) - On February 10, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated. Through the solidarity campaign "A Hot Winter", sponsored by the Foundation of Social Charitable Works of the Sisters of Our Lady of Chin ...
30 January 2013
AFRICA/MALAWI - Funding for AIDS drugs have halved while the Country must cope with flood damage
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - "The contributions donated by the International Fund to Fight AIDS have halved, it is a real alarm. The funds allowed nearly 500,000 people to regularly get ARVs" is Fr. Piergiorgio Gamba’s c ...
30 January 2013
AFRICA/SWAZILAND - Marriages between adult men and minor girls still go unpunished
Mbabane (Agenzia Fides) - The phenomenon of early marriages between adult men and young girls still children, continues to be very serious in the world. Recent data highlight that about 70 million women between 20-24 yea ...
30 January 2013
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - The Bishops on the upcoming elections: we need a law against political dynasties
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The corruption and the cumbersome presence of "political dynasties", that heavily influence public life, are an obstacle to genuine democratization in the country and are part of a "long litany o ...
30 January 2013
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC - Despite the peace agreements, violence against civilians continues
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - In spite of the peace agreements and the appointment of a Prime Minister in charge of forming a government of national unity, in the Central African Republic incidents of looting and violence aga ...
30 January 2013
ASIA/SYRIA - The Armenian Catholic Archbishop on the massacre in Aleppo: " we are addicted to daily horror "
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - "The effect of the condition in which we have been living for more than a year is that we are now addicted to horror everyday." This is how the Archbishop of Aleppo of the Armenian Catholics, Bou ...
30 January 2013
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - "Drugs are also present in primary schools": Mgr. Bressanelli calls for the intervention of the State
Neuquén (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishop of the Diocese of Neuquén and Vice President of the Argentine Episcopal Conference, Hios Exc. Mgr. Virginio Domingo Bressanelli, S.C.I., expressed concern about the economic situati ...
30 January 2013
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - In the prison of Uribana 58 deaths and 88 injured: "the Catholic Church cannot remain inactive!"
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - "Faced with the ineffective government prison policy, with the overcrowding, lack of adequate food, uncontrolled violence, procedural delays and all the humiliation suffered by the families, amo ...
30 January 2013
ASIA/INDIA - The ten points of the Church for the Year of Faith
Mangalore (Agenzia Fides) - How to strengthen the faith of the population? How to respond to the pastoral challenges (such as poverty and the presence of sects) and to the spiritual needs of the faithful? In the midst of ...
30 January 2013
ASIA/CHINA - "Here I am Lord": meeting in the Year of Faith for the university students in Xing Tai
Xing Tai (Agenzia Fides) - "Here I am Lord" was the theme of the meeting in the Year of Faith of the University students in Xing Tai, in the province of He Bei, held from January 26 to 28. According to what was said to F ...
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