28 August 2012
ASIA/LAOS - Christian leader arrested because "he converted 300 people"
Muang Pakxan (Agenzia Fides) - The Laotian police arrested the Christian leader Bountheung of Nongpong village, in the district of Khamkerd, in the province of Borikhamxai (central Laos). The charge is "to have converted ...
28 August 2012
AFRICA/KENYA - Four Christian places of worship attacked in the clashes in Mombasa
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - The second day of clashes in Mombasa, Kenya, between police and protesters demanding the killing of an Islamic preacher, Aboud Rogo Mohammed, accused of recruiting young people to be sent to fig ...
28 August 2012
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Alarm for the phenomenon of forced pregnancies of young girls and adolescents
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The phenomenon of Nicaraguan girls who get pregnant at a very young age is becoming increasingly alarming. In the country, one of the poorest in Latin America, home to 5.8 million people, in the ...
27 August 2012
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - The Bishops' pain for the explosion in the refinery in Amuay that caused 41 deaths
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - The President of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference has expressed "deep sorrow" of the entire Episcopate for the tragic events that took place at dawn on Saturday, August 25 in the refinery in ...
27 August 2012
AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - State of national emergency for the worst cholera outbreak in recent years
Freetown (Agenzia Fides) - West Africa is experiencing the worst cholera outbreak in recent years. In Sierra Leone, home to six million people assisted by one of the worst health care systems in the world, with only one ...
27 August 2012
ASIA/CHINA - Renewal and evangelization among the themes of the 12th General Chapter of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Tong Yuan (Agenzia Fides) - "Conversion, renewal, dedication, evangelization" was the theme of the 12th General Chapter of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, held from August 16 to 23, preceded by ...
27 August 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Christian Teenager raped and murdered in Punjab
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - A teenage Christian Muqadas Kainat was raped by five men and brutally killed near the town of Sahiwal in Punjab. This is yet another incident of violence, which brings attention to the long trail ...
27 August 2012
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Missionary experience of the Youth Movement to Build
Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - The missionary journey in Guinea Bissau has just concluded, attended by 12 young Italians belonging to the Youth Movement to Build accompanied by three assistants, two Missionary Oblates of Mary ...
27 August 2012
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Armed conflict and hunger threaten the extinction of many indigenous groups
Bogota (Agenzia Fides) - Internal armed conflict and poverty put the majority of the 102 indigenous peoples of Colombia at risk, where Aboriginal people are a little more than 1.37 million, just 3.36% of the national tot ...
27 August 2012
AFRICA - The African Catholics worried due to fundamentalist violence, they do not want to respond with violence
Iaşi (Agenzia Fides) - Catholics of African Countries where the threat of Islamic fundamentalism is stronger, live this phenomenon with apprehension, but do not intend to surrender to violence. This is what is reported ...
27 August 2012
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Pakistanis in Europe are mobilizing for Rimsha Masih
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "Let us save Rimsha Masih": is the campaign launched by Pakistani Christians in Europe to save the Christian girl falsely accused of blasphemy and currently in a juvenile prison in Islamabad (see F ...
27 August 2012
ASIA/SYRIA - The Greek Catholic Archbishopric of Aleppo violated
Aleppo (Agenzia Fides) - The Metropolitan Archbishop of Aleppo, His Exc. Mgr. Jean-Clément Jeanbart’s residence was broken into and looted during clashes between militiamen and loyalist troops. The Archbishop, his Vic ...
24 August 2012
ASIA/HONG KONG - "To be a happy youth": World Youth Day in Hong Kong responds to the Pope's exhortation, "Be glad in the Lord always!"
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - "Day Day Run Run – to be a happy youth" was the theme of World Youth Day celebrated at a diocesan level by the diocese of Hong Kong on 18 and 19 August, which was organized by the Commission ...
24 August 2012
ASIA/VIETNAM - Resignation of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Hue and appointment of successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI on August 18, 2012 accepted the resignation from the pastoral governance of the archdiocese of Hue in Vietnam by His Exc. Mgr. Etienne Nguyen Nhu The, in accord ...
24 August 2012
VATICAN - Pope and the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples condole death of Cardinal Shan
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Benedict XVI sent a telegram of condolences to the Bishop of Kaohsiung, His Exc. Mgr. Peter Liu Cheng-Chung, for the death of Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi, SJ, Bishop emeritus ...
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