20 August 2012
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - The bishops contrary to defining Zambia in the constitutional preamble as a "Christian nation"
Lusaka (Agenzia Fides)-The Bishops of Zambia hope that the current process of constitutional revision is successful after the previous three unsuccessful attempts to write a new Constitution.
In a document sent to the t ...
17 August 2012
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - The community of Cucuta remembers its pastor who was killed on August 11
Cucuta (Agenzia Fides) – Tomorrow’s Mass at the parish Saint Mary Mother of God in the city of Los Patios in Cucuta (Colombia) will recall its pastor, a diocesan priest Pablo Emilio Sanchez Albarracín, who died trag ...
13 August 2012
AFRICA/NIGERIA- Christian Association in Nigeria of 19 states ask for the resignation of the President
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) – Armed men attacked the All Saints Catholic Church, in the State of Gombe, in Nigeria on Sunday, August 12, killing one policeman on duty who was protecting the place of worship. According to tes ...
13 August 2012
AFRICA/EGYPT - Government reshuffle: President Mursi consolidates his power
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) – On August 12 Egypt's president Mohamed Mursi ordered a reshuffle of the government, which led to the retirement of the Minister of Defense, Marshal Hussein Tantawi, hitherto considered the "stro ...
11 August 2012
ASIA/TAIWAN - Neo Jesuit priest encourages young people: "Do not be afraid to respond to the Lord because His plan for you is always the best"
Taipei (Agenzia Fides) - "Do not be afraid to respond to the Lord because His plan for you is always the best." This is the exhortation that Fr. Pedro Chia Sze Siong sj., newly ordained Jesuit priest on August 4, address ...
11 August 2012
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - 16,000 returnees at risk for lack of funds on behalf of humanitarian organizations
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - More than 16,000 southern Sudanese returnees stuck in the Upper Nile State are at risk after the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has announced its intention to suspend operations for ...
11 August 2012
AFRICA/MALI - Uncertain situation in Bamako while in the north the population suffers the oppression of Islamists
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - The political crisis continues in Mali with the return of President ad interim Dioncounda Traore. As Don Edmond Dembele, Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference in Mali reports to Fides, th ...
10 August 2012
AFRICA/LIBYA - Transfer of power from the CNT to the National Assembly which elects its President Mohamed al-Magariaf
Tripoli (Agenzia Fides) - Mohamed al-Magariaf was elected President of the National Assembly, the body that on August 8 represents the legitimate power in Libya. The National Transitional Council (CNT), the body which ha ...
10 August 2012
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Green light to the transfer of the Seminary of Theology from Khartoum to Juba
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy See has given the green light to the transfer of the Seminary of Theology of St. Paul from Khartoum to Juba after consultations with the Bishops of Sudan and Southern Sudan. The announceme ...
10 August 2012
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Addis Ababa and Nairobi work together to avoid new tribal clashes along the common border
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - Ethiopia and Kenya have agreed to work together to reduce tribal clashes along the common borders.
A delegation from Kenya originally from the Turkana region went to Ethiopia this week for ...
10 August 2012
ASIA/HONG KONG- Charitable service and community life in view of the UN Youth Day
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - In view of Youth Day organized by the UN which has the theme Building a better world, partnering with youth, young Catholics of Hong Kong are preparing an educational activity with focus on ch ...
9 August 2012
ASIA/HONG KONG - Pastoral care and summer service for the youth of the parishes help integral growth of children
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – Pastoral care and summer service for the youth of the parishes in the diocese of Hong Kong help the integral development of children, regardless of their creed. According to reports from the ...
9 August 2012
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - 130 priests call for the revocation of Fr.Viateur’s deportation
Lusaka (Agenzia Fides) - The government is taking into serious consideration the withdrawal of Fr. Viateur Banyangandora’s deportation, the priest of Rwandese origin expelled by the authorities of Zambia at the end of ...
9 August 2012
AFRICA/EGYPT - 16 Coptic families return home after the recent clashes in Dahshur
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - Thanks to the cooperation between the security forces and the elders of the village of Dahshur (in Giza in Egypt), 16 Coptic families have returned to their homes, they were forced to leave the vi ...
9 August 2012
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - Over 800 child beggars receive an education thanks to the Sisters of St. Vincent de Paul
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - There are 813 children who have been educated in schools run by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul near a small cemetery in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.
According to ...
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