6 October 2011
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - More than 600 thousand displaced persons, victims of typhoons: humanitarian help is urgently needed
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - "More than 600 thousand displaced people are struggling to survive, they are in the pouring rain, and they find shelter in churches, they hope to receive humanitarian help", says Fr. Socrates Mes ...
6 October 2011
AMERICA/PERU - Peruvian women do not report the violence between couples in order to protect their children
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - 56% of the population over 18 years of age in four cities of Peru believe that women do not report incidents of violence to avoid retaliation against their children. A recent survey conducted in Li ...
6 October 2011
AMERICA/MEXICO - The Church encourages parents to get their children vaccinated
Tuxpan (Agenzia Fides) - At the beginning of the Third National Week of Health in the Mexican state of Veracruz, the Catholic Church invited all parents to get their children vaccinated against various diseases. In their ...
6 October 2011
EUROPE/SWITZERLAND - Refugees: Public opinion and political expediency have inacted the need for protection of asylum seekers in a negative way
Geneva (Agenzia Fides) - "In its Preamble, the 1951 Refugee Convention sets as its purpose 'to assure refugees the widest possible exercise of their fundamental rights and freedoms'. But today in many regions of the worl ...
6 October 2011
ASIA/NORTH KOREA - "Stop to crimes against humanity, access to humanitarian agencies": NGOs letter to Kim Jong-il
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - Protesters and civil society activists took to the streets today in Seoul to ask North Korea to "stop the crimes against humanity and violations of human rights" and "to allow access to humanitari ...
5 October 2011
VATICAN - LXXIV volume of "Bibliographia Missionary" has been published for the year 2010
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Library of the Pontifical Urban University has published the LXXIV volume of " Bibliographia Missionaria" for the year 2010. This work is unique in its kind, it offers vast documentatio ...
5 October 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Stalemate in the economy, floods, Qadri’s case, blasphemy: government crisis, risks for Minorities increase
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) – The economy, the controversy concerning the lack of electricity to vast parts of the population, the slow progress in the management of flood emergency have had a decisive influence on the g ...
5 October 2011
EUROPE/PORTUGAL - Volunteer Missionary: more than 1,130 youth and adults involved this year in carrying out projects in 4 continents
Lisbon (Agenzia Fides) - "Voluntary work: to commit oneself to the world in which we are all responsible" is the theme of the Twelfth Day of the Volunteer Missionary to be held on October 15 in Lisbon, at the Park of Nat ...
5 October 2011
ASIA/HONG KONG - The formation of the youth for a life of authentic faith
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - On the basis of experience in the field of youth formation in the last two years, from 2009 to 2011, the Commission for the Youth Pastoral in the diocese of Hong Kong has concluded that youth ...
5 October 2011
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The Bishop of Islamabad: Blasphemy is a "constitutional defect", Asia Bibi must be saved
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - As protests, and the maneuvers of the radical Islamic groups in favor of Mumtaz Qadri - government of Punjab’s murderer, guilty for having defended Asia Bibi and questioned the blasphemy law ...
5 October 2011
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - The march in defense of Itnpis starts again, Cardinal Terrazas meets up with the natives
Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Julio Terrazas, Archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, met a group of Indigenous over the weekend who are camped in front of the Cathedral of Santa Cruz and are on a hunger strike in ...
5 October 2011
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - The village of Rokwe is a refuge for leprosy patients
Yuba (Agenzia Fides) - At first glance, the village of Rokwe, on the outskirts of Yuba, seems like any other village in Southern Sudan. However it is not a common town, as it is a colony for people who have leprosy, assi ...
5 October 2011
AFRICA/EGYPT - "There are episodes of intolerance against the Copts, but now the mass media reports", says a missionary from Cairo
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - About 500 Copts marched yesterday through the streets of downtown Cairo protesting after the outbreak of fire in the church of Aswan in southern Egypt, demanding the resignation of the local gover ...
5 October 2011
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Humanitarian Aid of the Church to the indigenous peoples who march towards the capital
La Paz (Agenzia Fides) –Some news on the Itnpis march, which has started again and is heading towards La Paz, was sent to Fides by the Episcopal Conference of Bolivia. Participants in the march told the international p ...
4 October 2011
AMERICA/UNITED STATES-Religious freedom is threatened so as to justify an "Ad Hoc Commission"
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The Episcopal Conference of the United States of America (Uscbb) has announced the establishment of an "ad hoc Commision" for religious freedom, which will be presided by Mgr.William Lori, Bi ...
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