27 September 2011
AFRICA/SUDAN - The Nubians dig shelters to protect themselves from Sudanese aircraft attacks
Khartoum (Agenzia Fides) - People who live in the Nuba Mountains in the state of South Kordofan, were invited to dig shelters to protect themselves from the Sudanese Air Force attacks. According to reports from the Sudan ...
27 September 2011
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - A hundred years ago the Australian Province of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart was born
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - The Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart celebrates this year the centenary of the founding of the Australian Province. Also known as "OLSH Sisters" (Our Lady of the Sac ...
27 September 2011
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Pontifical Mission Societies: 75 years of missionary work in Salta
Salta (Agenzia Fides) - This coming Saturday, October 1, the Feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the beginning of the Missionary month, in the Basilica Cathedral of Salta dedicated to the Virgin of the Miracle a ...
27 September 2011
ASIA/INDONESIA - Rudimental bombs in front of the churches in the Moluccas: Christian leaders reject "religious war"
Ambon (Agenzia Fides) - Two rudimental bombs were found in Ambon in front of the Synod Office of the Protestant Church of the Moluccas and in front of the protestant church "Marantaha" in Ambon. The two unexploded bombs ...
27 September 2011
EUROPE/ ITALY - 50 years of commitment to the Italian Association Friends of Raoul Follereau
Bologna (Agenzia Fides) - From 21 to 23 October 2011, the Italian Association Friends of Raoul Follereau (AIFO) will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of its foundation on the occasion of the XXIII International Confere ...
27 September 2011
AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Multi-purpose school and training center for girls in the province of Gourma
Gourma (Agenzia Fides) - The Sisters of the Australian Province of the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) are involved in the project for the construction of a multi-purpose school and a ...
27 September 2011
EUROPE/RUSSIA - A statue of Mother Teresa has been inaugurated in Moscow, but her sisters are homeless
Moscow (Agenzia Fides) - On 24 September, a statue dedicated to the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta was inaugurated in Moscow, during the celebrations for the centenary of the consecration of the Immaculate Conception ...
27 September 2011
AFRICA/GUINEA - Clashes in Conakry: one dead and several injured
Conakry (Agenzia Fides) –One dead and several wounded is the provisional estimates of the clashes taking place in Conakry, the capital of the Republic of Guinea, between police and opposition demonstrators. The latter ...
27 September 2011
AMERICA/URUGUAY - Half a century of solidarity: a research for Caritas to celebrate its 50 years
Montevideo (Agenzia Fides) - In 2012, Caritas Uruguay celebrates 50 years of its foundation in the country and wants to remember the event carrying out a project of social research, ie collecting the history of the count ...
27 September 2011
ASIA/CHINA - Only in Christ and faith there is the strength to deal with family life and marriage
Tai Yuan (Agenzia Fides) - Only in Christ and in faith we can find the strength to face the trials and challenges of family life and marriage: the 20 couples participating in the First Meeting of Catholic marriage and fa ...
27 September 2011
ASIA/INDIA - A life for the Gospel: Farewell to Fr. Luigi, "recordman" 75 years of mission
Calcutta (Agenzia Fides) - A community mourns, but praises the Lord for the extraordinary life of Father Luigi Gobetti, Salesian missionary who died on Sept. 22, aged 91, in Bandel (Diocese of Calcutta), after 75 years o ...
26 September 2011
AMERICA/MEXICO - Lay Scalabrinian killed "for her work in the media"
Nuevo Laredo (Agenzia Fides) - The Community of Scalabrinian Lay Movement (SLM) is mourning over the terrible violent death of a member: Maria Elizabeth Macías Castro, 39, known as Marisol, who worked for a newspaper in ...
26 September 2011
EUROPE/ALBANIA - CCEE Plenary Assembly on the New Evangelization in Europe
Tirana (Agenzia Fides) – The next Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Bishops’ conferences (CCEE) will take place, from September 29 to October 2. The central theme of the assemblt will be the New Evangelizat ...
26 September 2011
ASIA/HONG KONG - Laity, witnesses of faith in different areas of commitment
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - Witnessing faith and to be "signs" of faith through commitment on behalf of the laity (extraordinary ministers of communion, pastoral workers, catechists ...); to analyze the biblical, liturg ...
26 September 2011
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Alert in Abuja for possible suicide bombings during the celebrations for independence
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - The Nigerian Islamic Boko Haram sect is planning suicide bombings in the federal capital, Abuja, to disrupt the celebrations of national independence on 1 October. This is what the Nigerian press ...
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