15 March 2022
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - The educational tragedy is still avoidable in Chubut if everyone assumes their responsibilities
Comodoro Rivadavia (Agenzia Fides) - "The educational tragedy requires unprecedented actions. We believe that if one of the invisible consequences of the pandemic throughout the country has been the deterioration in the ...
15 March 2022
AFRICA/NIGER - Unarmed resistance on the border of jihadism
Niamey (Agenzia Fides) - "A total of 40 animators and group leaders shared their concerns and hopes during our meeting that took place on the outskirts of Niamey in this month of March", writes to Fides Fr. Mauro Armanin ...
15 March 2022
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Solidarity, closeness and communion with Ukrainian brothers and sisters: the Ukrainian Catholic Metropolia hosts the Assembly of Bishops of Paranà
São José dos Pinhais (Agenzia Fides) - For the first time in the history of the "Sul 2" Region of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference (CNBB), the Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of John the Baptist hosted the Assembly of ...
15 March 2022
ASIA/CAMBODIA - The government of Cambodia rewards the Church for its contribution to society
Takeo (Agenzia Fides) - The Vicar Apostolic of Phnom Penh, Bishop Olivier Michel Marie Schmitthaeusler (MEP) has been recognized by the Cambodian Government as representative of the Catholic Church for his contribution t ...
15 March 2022
ASIA/SYRIA - Conference in Damascus brings together local Catholic Churches and aid agencies
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - A conference organized by the Assembly of Catholic Bishops in Syria in collaboration with the Congregation for the Oriental Churches and the Apostolic Nunciature in Syria, begins today in Damas ...
14 March 2022
AFRICA/CONGO RD - Allarme per centinaia di sfollati interni nell’altopiano di Ruzizi
AFRICA /D.R. CONGO - Alarm for hundreds of internally displaced persons in the Ruzizi plateau Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - The plateau of Ruzizi, in South Kivu, in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, has several ...
14 March 2022
VATICAN - Pope Francis: "In the name of God, I ask you: stop this massacre!"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Brothers and sisters, we have just prayed to the Virgin Mary. This weekend, the city that bears her name, Mariupol, has become a city martyred by the ruinous war that is devastating Ukrain ...
14 March 2022
EUROPE/SPAIN - Aid trucks leave for Ukraine from Pamplona and Madrid
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - In collaboration with the NGO "Olvidados", the association "Acoger y Compartir" is working to bring several trucks to the Romanian-Ukrainian border with the material received from various municip ...
14 March 2022
AMERICA/CHILE - Cardinal Aós: "We must not expect everything from those who govern us", everyone must play an active role to help the wounded society
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - "Every day we are faced with the choice of being good Samaritans or indifferent travelers. Every day we are offered a new opportunity, a new stage. We should not expect everything from those wh ...
14 March 2022
ASIA/IRAQ - Iranian rockets against US base in Erbil. The Chaldean Patriarchate: the stalemate in the formation of the government puts the country at risk
Erbil (Agenzia Fides) - The Chaldean Patriarchate deplores the launch of missiles that on Sunday, March 13, sowed terror among the population of Erbil and, in the light of this serious episode, calls on the political for ...
14 March 2022
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - Bishops urge dioceses to ensure the safety and protection of minors and vulnerable people in the country
Lusaka (Agenzia Fides) - "All Catholic dioceses in the country must ensure that children understand the path of the synodal process in order to guarantee their meaningful participation", said Fidelis Hamweemba, responsib ...
14 March 2022
AMERICA / NICARAGUA - The Apostolic Nuncio leaves the country, "incomprehensible measure"
Vatican City - According to a statement dated Saturday March 13th by "the Press Office of the Holy See, the Nicaraguan government has decided to withdraw the approval of Archbishop Waldemar Stanislaw Sommertag, Apostolic ...
14 March 2022
ASIA/VIETNAM - Lent without restrictions: Catholics return to the churches
Hanoi (Agenzia Fides) - During Lent, Vietnamese Catholics have the opportunity to participate in numerous liturgical celebrations, community encounters and social activities in their local communities: just before Lent, ...
12 March 2022
EUROPE/POLAND - More than a million refugees arrive from Ukraine: gestures of welcome and consolation are increasing
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - The events of the war in Ukraine have caused hundreds of thousands of people to flee and seek refuge in neighboring countries: more than a million refugees have arrived in Poland, mostly women an ...
12 March 2022
EUROPE/ITALY - The commitment of the Franciscans: "We support refugees from Ukraine, so that no one is left alone"
Bordighera (Agenzia Fides) - "I am very worried about my land, but now we just have to join forces to give our maximum support to the Ukrainian people". This is what Friar Minor Fr. Faustino Kushnir OFM, of Ukrainian ori ...
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