1 March 2022
AMERICA/COSTA RICA - Religious processions allowed as from April 1, in compliance with health measures
San José (Agenzia Fides) - With the new provisions of the Ministry of Health, signed by the Minister of Health, Daniel Salas Peraza, religious processions can be carried out starting from April 1, 2022, which had been p ...
1 March 2022
AMERICA - All religions united for peace and fraternal coexistence: an immediate end to violence
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - In a joint statement regarding the Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace on March 2, the representatives of various religious confessions present in Argentina invite all its citizens "to offer a pray ...
1 March 2022
EUROPE/UKRAINE - Oblate missionaries of Mary Immaculate in prayer: "We feel the closeness of the Pope and of the whole Church"
Kiev (Agenzia Fides) - "We are fine but we live in precariousness and uncertainty. Our help comes from the Lord and our hope is his Providence and we live these terrible moments immersed in prayer. Let us put our lives i ...
1 March 2022
ASIA/INDONESIA - Catholic journalists, promoters of harmony and truth
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - "The contribution of Catholic journalists to the nation is invaluable", says to Fides the Executive Secretary of the Episcopal Conference of Indonesia, Father Peter Christian Siswantoko, told Ag ...
1 March 2022
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - "Intensify prayer, practice forgiveness and fasting": invitation from the Archbishop of Kasama on the eve of Lent
Kasama (Agenzia Fides) - "The season of Lent is a special moment to reach out to the most vulnerable, to the sick, to prisoners, to orphans and to all those in need", declared Msgr. Ignatius Chama, Metropolitan Archbisho ...
1 March 2022
ASIA/TURKEY - Bishop Bizzeti: the Turkish government's "courageous" choice to close access to the Black Sea to warships
Iskenderun (Agenzia Fides) - "In Florence, for the first time, 60 Catholic bishops and 65 Christian, Muslim and Jewish mayors met and signed a document, which contains many serious and interesting things. This convergenc ...
28 February 2022
AFRICA/RWANDA - Resignation of the Bishop of Byumba and appointment
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Diocese of Byumba (Rwanda) presented by His Exc. Msgr. Servilien Nzakamwita. The Holy Father has appointed ...
28 February 2022
ASIA/TURKEY - Ukrainian President Zelensky telephones Patriarch Bartholomew: "We feel the support of your prayers"
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - "Thank you for this warm conversation, Your Holiness Bartholomew. Your words are like hands that support us in this difficult moment". This is how the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky wa ...
28 February 2022
EUROPE/UKRAINE - Orionines and Salesians, committed to welcoming refugees, remain in their place, "trusting in Providence"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "The Sisters of Don Orione are in Korotycz, near Kharkiv, together with more than 40 mothers and children. Unfortunately, they have not been able to move and live with them this moment of great ten ...
28 February 2022
AFRICA/UGANDA - Appeal of the Bishop of Kasese: Love for enemies, forgiveness and reconciliation among Christians
Kasese (Agenzia Fides) - "Judgment is only in the hands of God, forgiveness, reconciliation and entrusting the enemies to the Holy Throne is what the Creator wants Christians to do", said the Ordinary of the Diocese of K ...
28 February 2022
AMERICA/PERU - In Arequipa, lay people, seminarians and parish priests engaged in door-to-door and street missions
Arequipa (Agenzia Fides) - Young people and adults from different parishes in the archdiocese of Arequipa went out into the streets and squares to proclaim the Gospel. Thanks to the availability and encouragement of the ...
28 February 2022
AMERICA - Bishops, religious, Caritas: united with the world to condemn war and call for peace
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - From Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, declarations of Episcopal Conferences, Bishops, religious and secular organizations, demonstrations and initiatives follow one another to condemn the war in Ukraine ...
28 February 2022
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - A vote for truth, peace and justice
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - Vote for "truth, common good, peace and justice": this is the appeal addressed to the faithful by the Filipino Bishops, as the country enters the electoral campaign in view of the upcoming genera ...
28 February 2022
ASIA/HONG KONG - Call for prayer and peace for Ukraine
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) - "Let us pay attention to Pope Francis' appeal to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine. The power of the sincere prayers of so many people can achieve what is beyond human imagination": this is t ...
26 February 2022
EUROPE/UKRAINE - The war in Ukraine and the pain of the Eastern Churches: "the only one who benefits from it is the devil"
Kiev (Agenzia Fides) - "Wars are a defeat for all parties involved. The only one who enjoys them is the devil, who already dances on the heads of corpses, and plays with the pain of widows, orphans and grieving mothers". ...
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