8 October 2021
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Social Media and TV for animation in the month of missionary October
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - Social media and TV are among the privileged tools used by the Direction of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Nigeria for the animation of missionary October. The preparations, which began about ...
7 October 2021
ASIA/INDIA - Visiting the sick and loving the poor in the name of Jesus
Goa (Agenzia Fides) - Visiting the sick, bringing comfort to the suffering and relief to the poor in the name of Jesus: this is the mission of a group of nurses from Goa who, as volunteers, go to orphanages, homes for th ...
7 October 2021
AMERICA/PORTO RICO - The economic crisis threatens the collapse of electricity, for the Bishops it is about respect for the dignity of every human being
San Juan (Agenzia Fides) - "Aware that everything concerning human dignity, its care, its support and its development, requires to be enlightened by the truth of faith", the Bishops of Puerto Rico denounce, as Pastors of ...
7 October 2021
ASIA - Bishop Dell’Oro: "The new Bishops' Conference will benefit the mission of the Church in Central Asia"
Karaganda (Agenzia Fides) - The new Bishops' Conference of Central Asia - which will bring together the bishops of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan - represents an opportunity for the matur ...
7 October 2021
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - The country's bishops promote the protection of minors and a safe ministry for priests and religious
Lusaka (Agenzia Fides) - The people called to offer service to the Church, each in their own ministry, have a great responsibility to contribute to making society better and safer for all children and vulnerable people. ...
7 October 2021
ASIA/LEBANON - Maronite bishops: "satisfaction" for the new government, anguish for the "human hemorrhage" of young people fleeing the Country
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - In the "worrying" condition in which Lebanon finds itself, the "absolute priority" is to try to stop the flight of young people who leave the country, a real "human hemorrhage" that deprives the ...
7 October 2021
AFRICA/TOGO - The pandemic does not stop the celebration of the Missionary Month
Lomé (Agenzia Fides) - The health situation in Togo due to the pandemic is still complex. Churches are closed and there are still restrictions due to the Covid-19 virus. Despite all this, the Missionary Month is being c ...
7 October 2021
AFRICA/MALI - Appointment of the Bishop of San
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Francis has appointed Rev. Hassa Florent Koné, of the clergy of San, currently Rector of the Major Seminary of Saint Augustin in Bamako.
His Exc. Mgr. Hassa Florent Koné ...
6 October 2021
ASIA/BANGLADESH - In the Year dedicated to St. Joseph, the first book on the saint in Bengali
Rajshshi (Agenzia Fides) - "Saint Joseph: protector of the family and of the universal Church" is the title of the first book published in Bengali in honor of the saint, in the special year dedicated to him. This is what ...
6 October 2021
AFRICA/ MALAWI - Missionary October, an opportunity to rediscover the vocation of every baptized person to evangelization
Malawi (Lilongwe) - A strong call to evangelization, the primary task of the ecclesial community and of every baptized, comes from the diocese of Zomba, Malawi, at the opening of the Missionary Month, in view of the cele ...
6 October 2021
ASIA - Evangelization in Central Asia in times of Evangelii Gaudium: webinar of the Pontifical Mission Societies
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The mission of evangelization in Central Asia in times of Evangelii Gaudium. Context, difficulties, perspectives": is the title of the webinar organized by the Pontifical Missionary Union ...
6 October 2021
AMERICA/COSTA RICA - A two-year Great National Mission begins on Mission Day: "Missionary disciples: bearers of hope"
San José (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of Costa Rica, convinced that "It is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard" (Acts 4.20), "convene all the pilgrim people of God in our dioceses, for a Gr ...
6 October 2021
AFRICA/KENYA - Children's education is an irreplaceable component for the development of a society
Nakuru (Agenzia Fides) - "Education is an irreplaceable component in the development of a society and to a large extent should define the mission of the Church in the formation of the person for the realization of the we ...
6 October 2021
AMERICA/ECUADOR - “Put an end to violence”: prayer and reflection on the value of human life in all its expressions
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - "As Pastors of the Church in Ecuador, we wish to appeal to men and women of good will to give value to human life, to become aware that the human being is not an object to be used and thrown away. ...
6 October 2021
ASIA/IRAQ - Chaldean Patriarch Sako: the future of Christians in the Middle East depends above all on them
Baghdad (Agenzia Fides) - The presence of Christian communities in the Middle East and their survival in the lands of the first apostolic preaching call into question "first of all" the responsibilities of Middle Eastern ...
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