27 September 2021
AMERICA/CHILE - Violence against migrants: "We cannot allow a new epidemic, this time of hatred, racism and xenophobia"
Iquique (Agenzia Fides) - On Friday, September 24, the police forces evicted the former Plaza Brasil in the city of Iquique where groups of Venezuelan migrants had camped out who in recent weeks have been arriving in lar ...
27 September 2021
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - "It is necessary to heal the serious wounds inflicted on nature" urges Archbishop Gualberti
Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - "It is necessary to change our mentality and adopt an ecological spirituality, to stop the irrational exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, wild deforestation, forest fires, even o ...
27 September 2021
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Continuing tribal conflicts force nuns to suspend formation programs
Tombura-Yambio (Agenzia Fides) - "The nature of the tribal conflict that persists in Tombura, and of which we are witnesses, is brutal. We were forced to send home two postulants and five aspirants who were in the forma ...
27 September 2021
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Catholics in Rajshahi celebrate the centenary of migration and the arrival of the Gospel
Rajshahi (Agenzia Fides) - The faithful of the diocese of Rajshahi, in northwestern Bangladesh, celebrate the centenary of the arrival of the faith in their territory, which took place thanks to the migration of the Chri ...
27 September 2021
ASIA/JORDAN - Christians and Muslims together seek antidotes to the traps of "media hatred"
Amman (Agenzia Fides) - The two-day conference dedicated to the theme "Media against hatred", organized by the Muslim Council of the Elderly and the Catholic Center for Studies and Media, begins today in Amman, establish ...
27 September 2021
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Pakistani Bishops' appeal: everyone is actively called to participate in the synodal process
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "We Church in Pakistan express our feelings of joy for the Synod announced by the Pope in 2023. As Bishops of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Pakistan (PCBC) we invite all the faithful to ...
25 September 2021
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The government recognizes the extraordinary services of Catholic schools
Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - "Education today is one of the most virtuous acts. We know the challenges that Catholic schools and teachers are facing, we recognize your ingenuity, extraordinary efforts and hard work for our ...
25 September 2021
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - Migrant Day, the Social Pastoral Care-Caritas recalls that over 5 million Venezuelans have emigrated to different countries
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - Every year on the last Sunday of September, the World Day of Migrants and Refugees is celebrated. "Towards an ever wider 'we' " is the motto chosen by Pope Francis for the day of September 26, w ...
25 September 2021
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - A Comboni missionary: "The Church at the forefront of justice and peace"
Mlakal (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church, regardless of the conditions in which it operates and the dangers it faces, continues to be prophetic. Hit hard over the years here in South Sudan, it does not seek revenge but justi ...
25 September 2021
AFRICA/TOGO - Don Bosco Salesians: Care and Education
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - "We came to Kara more than 35 years ago and from the beginning, in the spirit of Christian charity, we dedicated ourselves to the abandoned young people, the street children, who are in danger of b ...
25 September 2021
ASIA/INDIA - No to the polarization between 'us' and 'them': "Migrants are the others among us"
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - "In today's India, division and polarization, chauvinism and xenophobia have gripped different parts of society, especially because of the poisonous hate speech by politicians. A large part of ...
24 September 2021
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - "I have always acted for the defense of freedom, justice and the rights of the Venezuelan people": the spiritual testament of Cardinal Urosa Savino
Caracas (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, September 23, Cardinal Baltazar Porras, on behalf of the Archdiocese of Caracas, announced the death of Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, Archbishop Emeritus of Caracas, which was followed ...
24 September 2021
AMERICA/PERU - The Church is always available to collaborate with the State in the social, educational and health sectors, for the common good
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - The presidency of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference on September 22 had a meeting with the president of the Congress of the Republic, María del Carmen Alva Prieto, at the structures of the Congres ...
24 September 2021
ASIA/INDIA - The Bishops oppose the anti-conversion law in Karnataka
Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - The ten Catholic Bishops of the state of Karnataka, in southern India, met Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai to voice their opinion over a proposed law to ban forcible religious conversions in t ...
24 September 2021
VATICAN - Pope Francis to the Bishops of Europe: let us ask the saints for help, instead of complaining about bad times
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "So many people in Europe see the faith as déja vu, a relic of the past". This happens "Because they have not seen Jesus at work in their own lives. Often this is because we, by our lives, have n ...
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