13 October 2020
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Catholic nun dedicated to the sick dies of coronavirus
Natore (Agenzia Fides) - Catholic sister Mary Arpita of the female institute "Associates of Mary Queen of the Apostles" (SMRA) died of Covid-19. Sister Arpita was responsible for the “St. Mary's” Dispensary and Mater ...
13 October 2020
VATICAN - Archbishop Dal Toso: "Mission belongs to every baptized person: lay people and missionary families are on the rise"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "The profound meaning of World Mission Day (WMD) is to keep the meaning of mission in all the baptized alive. In this historical moment, the element of the universality of the Church, which ...
13 October 2020
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Police brutality: Archbishop of Lagos calls for clarification
Lagos (Agenzia Fides) - "Recently there have been reports and videos documenting that members of the Nigerian police, in particular SARS operatives, have been involved in various acts of brutality and extortion against i ...
13 October 2020
AMERICA/PANAMA - Archbishop to farmers: land is sacred and cannot be sold
Panama (Agenzia Fides) - "Let us not be tempted to sell our inheritance, our land, because we live on it and it is sacred; we must not allow speculators to invade your fields and you should turn down offers from those wh ...
13 October 2020
ASIA/JORDAN - Prince Hassan Bin Talal: the encyclical “Fratelli tutti” also applies to the Middle East
Amman (Agenzia Fides) - Today, especially in the Middle East, the cradle of the three Abrahamic religions, one feels the need for a new "Social Charter" that supports the vulnerable and shows everyone the path to univers ...
12 October 2020
AMERICA/PARAGUAY - Catholics of Concepcion: "Let us pray for the release of our kidnapped brothers"
Concepción (Agenzia Fides) - Decisive repudiation of the criminal acts committed by the the group known as the Paraguayan People's Army (EPP) and the request for an immediate release was expressed by the Catholic commun ...
12 October 2020
EUROPE FRANCE - Towards Mission Sunday - the Superior of the MEP: Pauline Jaricot and Therese of Lisieux, examples of missionary life
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - The figure of Venerable Pauline Jaricot "will be able to help the baptized to grow stronger in the missionary path through the network of sharing material offerings and sharing prayer. Today each o ...
12 October 2020
ASIA/KOREA - Evangelizing through Art, an exhibition of Catholic artists
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - Evangelizing through art is the goal of the Association of Catholic artists of Seoul, which celebrates its 50th anniversary of its foundation. On the occasion of the event, a special exhibition of ...
12 October 2020
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Common prayer for peaceful presidential elections
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - A few days before the presidential elections on October 31, the socio-political climate remains tense in the Ivory Coast. For this reason, members of the PLCRD, platform of religious leaders for ...
12 October 2020
AFRICA/NIGER - Fr. Gigi Maccalli: finally at home, but always with his heart turned to his mission in Bomoanga
Niamey (Agenzia Fides) - Father Gigi Maccalli, released after two years of imprisonment in the hands of Islamist kidnappers, returned to Madignano for a periodo of rest and quarantine with his family. One of the first pe ...
12 October 2020
ASIA/MALAYSIA - New Catholic online radio station for the work of evangelization
Keningau (Agenzia Fides) - Preaching the Gospel through the media: this is the goal of the Diocese of Keningau, in Malaysian Borneo which has launched a new Catholic online radio station: Radio Online Kekitaan. As report ...
12 October 2020
AFRICA/MALAWI - A church desecrated, it is the third in two months; "The government must do everything to protect us"
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - "We expect the government to do everything possible to protect the citizens of Malawi, including the Catholic Church. However, I know that the government and the police cannot protect every pri ...
12 October 2020
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Feast of Our Lady of Aparecida for the first time without pilgrims: "People feel the ever-living presence of Mary"
Aparecida (Agenzia Fides) - The feast of Our Lady of Aparecida, which is celebrated every year on October 12, takes place for the first time without the popular Marian pilgrimages, which had to be canceled due to the pan ...
12 October 2020
AFRICA/EGYPT - Videoclip of children recalls the massacre of the "Martyrs of Libya". Coptic Bishop Makarios: "inappropriate choice"
Minya (Agenzia Fides) - In a video that was filmed in an Egyptian church and shared on social networks, children replicate the scenes of the massacre of 20 Egyptian Coptic Christians who were executed by jihadists on a b ...
10 October 2020
AMERICA/CHILE - The Bishops: "there is a great diversity of options and opinions, but its vocation is unity and its path is peace"
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Conference of Chile, in view of the plebiscite on October 25, invites "citizens to inform themselves adequately about this important decision for the dem ...
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