23 October 2020
AMERICA/BRAZIL - After 10 years, a new phase of the inter-congregational missionary Project in Haiti
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The project for missionary cooperation between the Churches in Brazil and Haiti started 10 years ago: the "Inter-congregational Project for Solidarity" was born from the collaboration of the Na ...
23 October 2020
ASIA/KYRGYZSTAN - Political crisis resolved with centralization of powers: people's expectations have been disappointed
Bishkek (Agenzia Fides) - "The protests that followed the parliamentary elections on October 4th in Kyrgyzstan are against the obvious buying of votes, this time more than in the past: in the days leading up to the elect ...
23 October 2020
EUROPE/SPAIN - Thanks from the PMS to all those who participated in World Mission Day "in times of pandemic"
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - World Mission Day 2020 on October 18th was marked by the pandemic, but this year too, thanks to the creativity of dioceses, parishes and schools, it was possible to carry out the initiatives. Fr. ...
23 October 2020
AFRICA/CAMEROON - Civil War creates lost generation
Yaoundé (Agenzia Fides) - The Anglophone regions of Cameroon, where 20% of the country's population live, have been experiencing a social and humanitarian crisis since 2016. The crisis signals a historic gap between the ...
23 October 2020
ASIA/VIETNAM - Bishops' delegation visits flood victims
Hue (Agenzia Fides) - A delegation from the Vietnamese Bishops' Conference visited the areas of central Vietnam affected by the recent floods. Expressing solidarity and solidarity with the flood victims, giving consolati ...
23 October 2020
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - More than 360 Catholic schools involved in the special Missionary Childhood Day
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - World Mission Day for children was celebrated by the Pontifical Mission Societies in Australia (Catholic Mission) with the initiative "Socktober Day": the initiative, which combines the term "soc ...
23 October 2020
AFRICA/BENIN - Bishops in view of the election: "It should be peaceful, inclusive and democratic"
Cotonou (Agenzia Fides) - "The next elections should be peaceful, inclusive and democratic in the spirit of the National Conference of February 1990", said the Bishops of Benin in the statement published at the end of th ...
23 October 2020
AFRICA/EGYPT - Parliamentary election: Coptic Bishops declare “equidistance” and want high voter turnout
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - A few hours before the start the Egyptian parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for Saturday, October 24th and Sunday, October 25th, various Coptic Orthodox Bishops affirm the “equidistan ...
22 October 2020
VATICAN - Communiqué on the extension of the Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People's Republic of China regarding the appointment of Bishops
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - Today, 22 October 2020, the Press Office of the Holy See has released the following "Communiqué on the extension of the Provisional Agreement between the Holy See and the People's Republic ...
22 October 2020
AMERICA/VENEZUELA - A priest killed during a robbery
Cojedes (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishop of the diocese of San Carlos de Venezuela, Mgr. Polito Rodríguez Méndez, as well as the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Dehonians), issued a statement to i ...
22 October 2020
ASIA/CAMBODIA - Apostolic Prefect Figaredo: "The poor and the little ones evangelize us"
Battambang (Agenzia Fides) - "We are here to build the common good, to build an inclusive society and bring the joy of life in Christ, everywhere, to every man and woman. As believers in the Resurrection, as men and wome ...
22 October 2020
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Youth protest, the result of a mixture of poverty and indignation according to the testimony of a Nigerian friar
Lagos (Agenzia Fides) - It is poverty that drives Nigerians to protest, not just outrage at police violence. Young people overwhelmed by misery and frustrated by unemployment take to the streets to protest and demand eco ...
22 October 2020
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Bishops' Conference supports the fight against fake news in view of the elections
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops' Conference of Brazil (CNBB) will be ambassador of the #EuVotoSemFakecampanha "campaign, launched by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). The aim of the initiative is to ensure that ...
22 October 2020
AFRICA/DR CONGO - The third National Eucharistic Congress will take place in 2021
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "Our Congolese society is facing various challenges, namely the rebirth of paganism with its consequences, the spread of sects, and esoteric movements, and in particular the crisis that is shak ...
22 October 2020
ASIA/LEBANON - The annual Synod of Maronite Bishops begins in the sign of silence and conversion
Bkerké (Agenzia Fides) - The annual Synod of the Maronite Bishops began under the sign of silence and "metanoia", i.e. personal and community repentance and conversion. On Wednesday 21 October, the Maronite Bishops gath ...
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