5 November 2020
AMERICA/DOMINICAN REP - Family month: "With Christ, defending life"
Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - The initiative "Un paso por mi Familia" organized by the Catholic Church in the Dominican Republic invite you to take part in the initiatives that protect life and promote the family. Sin ...
5 November 2020
AFRICA/KENYA - Bishop Oballa: the Catholic Church is deeply concerned over the rising incidences of violence in families
Nairobi (Agenzia Fides) - "The family is one of the most precious values that the Church holds and promotes. If things are right in the family, society will thrive. If things begin going wrong at the family level, societ ...
5 November 2020
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Religious leaders in Yamoussoukro call for calm after post-election unrest
Yamoussoukro (Agenzia Fides) - “Lately our city of Yamoussoukro has had dark and sad hours that have compromised social cohesion. In the name of God, the father of all mercy, I invite you brothers and sisters to welcom ...
5 November 2020
AFRICA/EGYPT - US praise the Egyptian government's religious policy
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi "has taken many initiatives in the field of religious freedom, affirming that all Egyptians are citizens with equal rights, regardless of their religious af ...
4 November 2020
AFRICA/MALI - A missionary: "Jihadism is fought by defeating widespread poverty"
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - Jihadism is fueled by injustice, poverty and misery. Thousands of unemployed young people look for hope, which they find in an extreme form of religiosity that leads them to take up arms against ...
4 November 2020
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - The Plenary Assembly of Bishops meets in a virtual format: the focus is on migrants and refugees
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - Every year, in November, the Bishops of the United States gather for the General Assembly of the Bishops' Conference (USCCB) in Baltimore. This year's meeting will take place in a virtual for ...
4 November 2020
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of the Rector of the Saint John Interdiocesan Theological Seminary in Hyderabad
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 17 July 2020, Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed Fr. Kommareddy Marreddy, of the archdiocesan clergy of Hyderabad Re ...
4 November 2020
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - After attacks on villages in the north of the country: 40 refugees die in a boat accident
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) - On the morning of October 31st, Islamist terrorists affiliated to the Central African Province of the Islamic State (ISCAP) carried out several attacks on some villages in the Muidumbe district o ...
4 November 2020
ASIA/TURKEY - Trial against a monk postponed for alleged complicity with terrorist organization
Mardin (Agenzia Fides) - The trial against Syrian Orthodox monk Sefer Bileçen, who was charged by the Turkish judicial authorities for complicity with terrorist organizations and activities, has been postponed for almos ...
4 November 2020
AMERICA/CHILE - Perspectives for the development of the country in the light of the Catholic social teaching
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - After the national referendum of 25 October, in which the proposal to modify the Constitution won (see Fides 27/10/2020), the V Social Congress is being held on the theme "Together towards a re ...
3 November 2020
AMERICA/MEXICO - Missing priest is safe and sound
Teotihuacan (Agenzia Fides) - Without providing details in this regard, Fr. Francisco Núñez Martinez’s sister announced that the priest has been found alive, five days after his disappearance in the State of Mexico ( ...
3 November 2020
AMERICA/CHILE - New declaration by the Apostolic Vicar of Aysen on the need to include the right to water in the text of the new Constitution
Aysén (Agenzia Fides) - "Water is the origin of all life. Without water there is no life", said the Apostolic Vicar of Aysén, His Exc. Mgr. Luis Infanti de la Mora. "Water is an essential element for life, not only for ...
3 November 2020
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Archbishop of Santa Cruz commemorates victims of the Covid-19 pandemic on All Souls Day
Santa Cruz (Agenzia Fides) - "On this day when we remember all the believers who have died, pain and memories, questions and doubts mingle in our hearts, especially in these tragic times of the global corona epidemic tha ...
3 November 2020
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Presidential election: Opposition wants to challenge outgoing president's victory
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - The Independent Electoral Commission of Ivory Coast today announced the victory of outgoing President, Alassane Ouattara with 94% of the votes in the October 31 elections and a turnout of 53.9% ...
3 November 2020
AFRICA/ZAMBIA - A nun dies due to her serious injuries after an attack on her parish
Lusaka (Agenzia Fides) - Sister Matilda Mulengachonzi, one of the two sisters of the Congregation of the Little Servants of Mary Immaculate (LSMI), died of injuries inflicted two months ago in an armed attack on the pari ...
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