18 November 2019
AFRICA/NIGER - Prayer for the release of Fr. Pierluigi Maccalli 14 months after his abduction
Niamey (Agenzia Fides) – After fourteen months since the abduction of the missionary of the SAM (Society of African Missions), Fr. Pierluigi Maccalli, which took place in Niger on 17 September 2018 (see Fides, 18/9/201 ...
18 November 2019
AFRICA/TANZANIA - The closing of the Extraordinary Missionary Month has opened a new page of Evangelization in Tanzania
Dar es Salaam (Agenzia Fides) - "The pastoral visit of the President of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the world, His Exc Mgr. Giampietro Dal Toso, is a sign that the local church of Tanzania is in communion with th ...
16 November 2019
EUROPE/SPAIN - "The «portico» of the Church of Pope Francis": Cardinal Filoni at the San Damaso University
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "Since the beginning of his pontificate, Pope Francis called the whole Church, which lived a moment of immobility, to a momentum and a renewed zeal in evangelization, taking into account the ecol ...
16 November 2019
AFRICA/CAMEROON - World Day of the Poor, the Carmelites: "Closeness to the most needy is a priority for the Church"
Yaoundé (Agenzia Fides) - "Currently the problem of poverty in Cameroon has worsened: there is hunger, food is lacking, prices are high due to the high rate of inflation and people find it hard to get what they need. M ...
15 November 2019
ASIA/KAZAKHSTAN - Atyrau Apostolic Administration turns 20, following in the footsteps of Blessed Bukovinsky
Atyrau (Agenzia Fides) - "During the Last Supper, our Lord gave us the commandment of love: "As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love ...
15 November 2019
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Sunday 17th day of prayer for Colombia: everyone is needed to look to the future with hope
Bogotà (Agenzia Fides) - In view of the national strike called for on November 21, the Colombian Bishops recall in a statement that "mobilizations are a democratic right when they are the expression of freedom and respo ...
15 November 2019
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - The violence of "nameless armed groups" paralyzes the North of the country
Pemba (Agenzia Fides) - There is no peace for the north of Mozambique. After months of attacks on villages which caused the death of many people and many were wounded, raids were carried out on the main roads, blocking t ...
15 November 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Lebanese crisis, the initiatives of Patriarch Rai to exorcise the ghosts of the past
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - After the start of protest demonstrations that have shaken Lebanon since October 17, there is the prayer of the Holy Rosary in the church of the Maronite patriarchal see of Berkè every day, at f ...
15 November 2019
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Strengthening of police and army controls on the activities of the Catholic Church
Masaya (Agenzia Fides) - "The world sees and knows that there is no freedom of worship in Nicaragua!" says Father Edwin Roman, parish priest of San Miguel parish of Masaya, who cannot enter the church because is blocked ...
15 November 2019
AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA - Appointment of the Bishop of Aliwal
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has appointed the rev. Joseph Kizito of the clergy of the same seat, currently Vicar General and Parish Priest of Aliwal North Cathedral Parish, as Bishop of the Diocese of ...
14 November 2019
AMERICA/CHILE - San Francisco de Valdivia Temple desecrated
Valdivia (Agenzia Fides) - Sorrow for the profanation and damage caused to the church of San Francisco, heritage of southern Chile and Valdivia, were expressed by Mgr. Nelson R. Huaiquimil, Vicar General of the Chilean d ...
14 November 2019
AFRICA/MALAWI - A political solution is urgent: the Bishops call for dialogue
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - Malawi, called "the warm heart of Africa", finds itself caught up in political turmoil. The general elections last May, which saw incumbent President Arthur Peter Mutharika of the Democratic Pr ...
14 November 2019
ASIA/INDONESIA - Cardinal Suharyo: the Pope appeals to peaceful coexistence, Indonesian Catholics at the forefront
Jakarta (Agenzia Fides) - "It was Pope Francis who urged us Indonesian Bishops to deepen the Document on human fraternity, spread in Abu Dhabi, and to put it into practice, looking at Indonesia as a modern country, where ...
14 November 2019
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - Andrew Kim Dae-geon, a universal saint: Unesco patronage at the Jubilee
Paris (Agenzia Fides) - Unesco (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) recognized the patronage at the bicentenary celebrations for the birth of Andrew Kim Dae-geon (1821-1846), first Korea ...
13 November 2019
ASIA/AFGHANISTAN - Civil society: what is the price of peace?
Kabul (Agenzia Fides) - An exchange of prisoners relaunches the peace process in Afghanistan, while the electoral results of the presidential elections on September 28 remain uncertain. Yesterday, November 12, President ...
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