25 October 2019
ASIA/TURKEY - US Parliament puts the vote on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide on the agenda
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - The US House of Representatives, a branch of the United States Congress, is preparing to put to the vote a resolution that would entail the official recognition by the US of the Armenian Geno ...
25 October 2019
AMERICA - Religious: let us take on the anxieties and hopes of the peoples who suffer in Latin America
Bogotà (Agenzia Fides) - "From Assisi, together with the Saint of Peace, the Latin American Confederation of Religious (CLAR) places before the God of Life, the hopes and anguish of the brothers of many peoples of our b ...
25 October 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The profile of the Australian Catholic community: a Report of the Pastoral Research Center
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - Of the more than 5 million Catholics surveyed in Australia, 1,304,993 were born overseas, 136,360 do not speak English well and 305,823 live in poverty: these are some of the data in a Report on ...
24 October 2019
EUROPE/ITALY - Forming young people to the mission: the new proposal of the Comboni family begins
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - In the Extraordinary Missionary Month a new path of formation and missionary spirituality is underway for young people aged 18 to 35, promoted by the Comboni family. To make concrete experience of ...
24 October 2019
AMERICA/ECUADOR - After the protests: dialogue and reconciliation underway, with the mediation of the Bishops
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - On Wednesday, October 23, four representatives of the Ecuadorian Bishops' Conference (EEC) went to the headquarters of the government. The delegation was composed of Mgr. Luis Cabrera, Archbishop ...
24 October 2019
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Extraordinary Missionary Month: "The Lord asks you to be a gift wherever you are"
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - "We become missionaries living as witnesses of the Gospel of Christ, not with words, not with diplomas or certificates, but with life": this was underlined by Father Lucas Marabezé, interim cha ...
24 October 2019
AFRICA/NIGERIA - "The visit of the President of the PMS makes us feel the embrace of the universal Church in this difficult time"
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "We are happy to welcome Mgr. Dal Toso as a sign of communion with the universal Church", says Fr. George Olusegun Ajana, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of Nigeria, wh ...
24 October 2019
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Keep alive the missionary dynamism, lit up in the Extraordinary Missionary Month
Sao Paulo (Agenzia Fides) - The concern for the coming years is how to keep alive the missionary dynamism in the Church in Brazil, lit up in the Extraordinary Missionary Month: for Mgr. Odelir José Magri, Bishop of Chap ...
24 October 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Church Leaders "embrace" the anti-system revolt
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Heads of Churches and Christian communities present in Lebanon pay homage "to the people who expressed their unity" and ask to "embrace and protect the legitimate revolt of our children", str ...
23 October 2019
NEWS ANALYSIS/OMNIS TERRA - Missionaries in Taiwan: "Like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants"
In Taiwan, more than the "mission of the Church", it is better to refer to it as "Church of the mission". In fact, in a place that is so "ignorant" to Christ, it is nearly impossible to consider the mission as something ...
23 October 2019
AFRICA/ZIMBABWE - A lay missionary, an apostle of lepers, towards beatification
Harare (Agenzia Fides) - The cause for the beatification of British-born John Bradburne, a Franciscan secular missionary, has started in Zimbabwe. His life and his testimony of faith in the midst of the lepers will be ex ...
23 October 2019
EUROPE/CZECH REP. - "The big power of small deeds": the seventh national mission congress of children from Holy Childhood
Kroměříž (Agenzia Fides) - Promoted by the National Direction of the Pontifical Mission Societies of the Czech Republic, the seventh National Mission Congress of the children of the Pontifical Society of Holy Childho ...
23 October 2019
AMERICA/HAITI - "Listen to the voice of wisdom": the appeal of the Bishops to the President and the government in the face of the suffering of the people
Port au Prince (Agenzia Fides) - The representatives of the Haitian Catholic Church have asked President Jovenel Moise, and the political class in general, to listen to the "voice of wisdom" in the face of the "serious" ...
23 October 2019
AFRICA/MALAWI - The Church in prayer to quell political tensions and promote reconciliation
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - The results of the presidential elections held last May 21, 2019 (see Fides, 21/5/2019) are still being disputed and the issue has been brought to court. Mgr. Gianfranco Gallone, Apostolic Nunc ...
23 October 2019
ASIA/EAST TIMOR - Extraordinary Missionary Month: the Word of God is at the center of the mission
Dili (Agenzia Fides) - The Word of God is at the heart of the Church's mission, which Christians announce and give to the whole world, as a message of salvation for humanity: it is with this spirit that the Catholics of ...
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