17 October 2019
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Hate campaign against the Church does not stop on social networks
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church has three characteristics: one, holy, catholic and apostolic, but another characteristic is missing, which should be included in the Creed, that of being persecuted. This is ...
17 October 2019
EUROPE/SPAIN - "With you, Luigi, we suffer, we pray and we hope": the missionaries recall and wait for Father Maccalli
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "It has been more than a year since we received the news of the abduction of Father Pier Luigi Maccalli, our friend and confrere. I still remember having received a call at the end of the celebra ...
17 October 2019
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Extraordinary missionary month: the missionary Rosary transmitted by digital channels and social media
Bogotà (Agenzia Fides) - In the Extraordinary Missionary Month and on the eve of World Mission Sunday, at 7 pm (local time) today, October 17, at the headquarters of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of Colombia, t ...
16 October 2019
AMERICA/HONDURAS - Bishops for the Extraordinary Missionary Month: evangelizing also means denouncing
Tegucigalpa (Agenzia Fides) - "Evangelizing is not just announcing the joy of the Gospel, but also denouncing everything that denies life, which hinders the development of the person and the community. This has profound ...
16 October 2019
EUROPE/IRELAND - "Together we are mission": 700 children participated in the Day of Missionary Prayer
Thurles (Agenzia Fides) - The second Friday in October is the day chosen in Ireland for children who come together to pray for their peers who live in other parts of the world, especially those from mission dioceses. Arc ...
16 October 2019
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - Cardinal Yeom: "We entrust the brothers of North Korea to the Virgin Mary"
Fatima (Agenzia Fides) - "I have never been to North Korea, even though I am Apostolic Administrator in the diocese of Pyongyang. When she appeared in Fatima, the Virgin Mary told us to pray for those who do not believe ...
16 October 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Bishops: violence against religious minorities on the rise; we urgently need the Action Plan for Human Rights
Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - "In recent weeks there has been an alarming increase in violent episodes in particular against religious minorities. Some of the most recent incidents include the profanation of crosses on tombs ...
16 October 2019
ASIA/MIDDLE EAST - Middle East Council of Churches: the territorial unity of Syria must be safeguarded
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Middle East Council of Churches followed with deep sorrow and pain the martyrdom and wounding of hundreds of Iraqis last week, and is currently following with greater pain the Turkish attacks ...
16 October 2019
VATICAN - Extraordinary missionary Month: the first missionary activity is prayer
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Pauline Jaricot, a French lay woman, now Venerable, who in 1822 founded the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, conceived and placed prayer at the beginning of the missionary activity ...
16 October 2019
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - Peaceful vote, despite tensions on the eve
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) - The presidential, political and provincial elections in Mozambique took place yesterday, October 15th. According to information gathered by Fides, the vote was not marked by episodes of violence, ...
15 October 2019
EUROPE/CZECH REP. - "Following the footsteps of the Missionary Saints", in the Extraordinary Missionary Month
Proseč (Agenzia Fides) - A Mission Day was held in Proseč, a city in the Czech Republic near Skuteč, entitled "Following the footsteps of missionary Saints". More than 110 small and big missionaries from the diocese o ...
15 October 2019
AFRICA/TANZANIA - The vocation of women religious: to pray and work for peace in Africa and in the world
Dar es Salaam (Agenzia Fides) "The world needs leaders, men and women, peacemakers": said Archbishop Emeritus of the archdiocese of Dar es Salaam, Cardinal Polycarp Pengo on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the fo ...
15 October 2019
VATICAN - Study day on Cardinal Newman, "the Augustine of modern times"
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "On the eve of the canonization of Cardinal John Henry Newman, this day dedicated to the study of the Blessed introduces us not only to the better knowledge of the multiform, extraordinary, ...
15 October 2019
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - Study of the Catholic religion and the Bible in public schools: the Bishops say "Yes"
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - The Filipino bishops have welcomed the government's move to introduce the study of the Catholic religion and the reading of the Bible in public, primary and secondary schools. "It is a good propo ...
15 October 2019
AFRICA/BURKINA FASO - Appeal by the Head of State: "Let us not fall into the trap of sectarian war"
Ouagadougou (Agenzia Fides) - "These attacks aim to weaken the way we live together, passed down through our ancestors, and that we must safeguard at all costs", said the President of Burkina Faso, Roch Kaboré, in his m ...
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