Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - "Pauline Jaricot, a French lay woman, now Venerable, who in 1822 founded the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, conceived and placed prayer at the beginning of the missionary activity. She gathered people to pray for the missions and, some years later, she created the 'living Rosary', a network that still exists today. These are groups of twenty people who, each month after a Eucharist, are given a Mystery of the Rosary to pray for. Each of them has a different Mystery, so all twenty mysteries will be recited in that month, thanks to the spiritual union of the group members. Today we want to emphasize that the prayer of the Rosary is still fundamental for the Pontifical Society of the Propagation of the Faith, which supports and finances many concrete projects of an ecclesial and missionary nature in the world. As Pope Francis remarked, the first missionary activity is prayer": this is what Fr. Tadeusz J. Nowak, of the Oblates of Maria Immaculate (OMI), Secretary General of the Pontifical Society of the Propagation of the Faith (POPF) said, who spoke at the presentation of "ClickTo Pray eRosary", launched on the occasion of the Extraordinary Missionary Month, announced by Pope Francis for October 2019.
"ClickTo Pray eRosary" is a digital bracelet that activates by making the sign of the cross. It is an interactive, intelligent device, which works through a downloadable application at no cost, presented by the Pope's World Prayer Network. The App is called Click To Pray, and "is aimed primarily at young people, hoping to teach how to pray the Rosary". (Agenzia Fides, 16/10/2019)