EUROPE/POLOND - European Meeting of National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies on the new mission emergencies

Saturday, 1 March 2025 pontifical mission societies   formation   missionary animation  

Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - Reflection, prayer, sharing and dialogue on the challenges of evangelization were the focus of the Meeting of European National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies, held in Warsaw from 24 to 28 February. The meeting, which takes place every year in a different country (last year in Hungary, see Fides, 7/2/2024), was dedicated to sharing experiences at the local level and aims to join forces to face global missionary urgency together.
The President of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Archbishop Emilio Nappa, presided over the Eucharistic celebration on Monday and opened the work the following day. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the program included speeches by the President of the Polish Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Tadeus Wojda, and the President of the Episcopal Mission Commission, Bishop Jan Piotrowski. Thursday was dedicated to the meeting with the General Secretaries of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Father Tadeusz Nowak (OMI), the Pontifical Missionary Union of Clergy, Father Anh Nhue Nguyen (OFMConv), and the Pontifical Society for Missionary Childhood, Sister Inês Paulo Albino (ASC).
In addition to group meetings and moments of prayer, the participants from 24 European countries also had the opportunity to visit spiritually significant places.
"The Church in Poland tirelessly proclaims the Gospel, engages in social work, carries out charitable initiatives, supports people in need and accompanies those who seek spiritual and material help.
However, given the changing times, we are aware that great challenges await us. We must rediscover our zeal for evangelization and use new forms of communication that will allow us to better reach the younger generations. We must support the clergy, involve the laity and women more in order to work together according to their respective vocations and tasks and enable them to share responsibility for the Church," said Archbishop Tadeus Wojda in his address on the state of the Church in Poland, in which he called for joint commitment, prayer and dialogue. The Chairman of the Episcopal Commission for Missions, Bishop Jan Piotrowski, not only outlined some of the milestones of the Catholic Church in Poland, but also gave an overview of the current reality of Polish missionaries "ad gentes", most of whom work in Latin America and the Caribbean, including 26 bishops. (EG) (Agenzia Fides, 1/3/2025)
