1 August 2019
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of the Rector of the Holy Trinity Interdiocesan Seminary in Jullundur
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On June 1, 2019 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed rev. Sahaya Thatheus Thomas, of the clergy of the diocese of Simla-Chandig ...
1 August 2019
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Bishops to candidates for the elections: "Governing is synonymous with dialogue, listening, building bridges and reconciling"
Bogotà (Agenzia Fides) - On 27 July the registration of candidates for the elections of mayors, governors, deputies, councilors and members of local administrative councils for the period 2020-2023 concluded. The Bishop ...
1 August 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Prime Minister Imran Khan ensures the protection of religious minorities; for the Church "it is an encouraging step"
Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - "The speech of Prime Minister Imran Khan is very encouraging and gives a new hope to the religious minorities living in Pakistan. In the past also the leaderships said such nice words but were n ...
1 August 2019
EUROPE - Season of Creation 2019: time for prayer, forgiveness and commitment for Christians
St. Gallen (Agenzia Fides) - The Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE) and the Conferences of European Churches are uniting once again this year to reaffirm responsibility for creation and issue an invitation ...
1 August 2019
AFRICA/SOUTH AFRICA - "We must commit ourselves to ending the violence", says the President of SACBC
Johannesburg (Agenzia Fides) - "One of the major problems we face in South Africa are violent protests. Part of this violence is due I think to our absence as Church leaders", said His Exc. Mgr. Sithembele Anton Sipuka, ...
1 August 2019
AFRICA/EGYPT - A year after the murder of Anba Epiphanios, the Coptic Church revokes the stop to monastic vocations
Cairo (Agenzia fides) - Coptic monasteries reopen the doors to welcome young people who ask to become monks again, after the admission of novices to monastic communities was suspended a year ago by the Committee for the ...
31 July 2019
EUROPE/ITALY - Cardinal Filoni in the diocese of Concordia-Pordenone
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will visit the diocese of Concordia-Pordenone for two events: the opening of the "Perdonanza Bibionese" and ...
31 July 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Interreligious summit asks politicians to defend national unity against any sectarian drift
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Lebanese national unit represents an indispensable guarantee to build a better future for Lebanon, and the coexistence among the different components of the population must be preserved from ...
31 July 2019
AMERICA/PERU - Resignation of the Apostolic Vicar of Pucallpa and appointment of his successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of of the Apostolic Vicariate of Pucallpa (Peru), presented by his Exc. Mgr. Gaetano Galbusera Fumagalli, S.D.B., and ap ...
31 July 2019
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of the Rector of "St. Joseph" interdiocesan Seminary in Mangalore
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 11 April 2019 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed the rev. Ronald Antony Serrao, of the clergy of the diocese of Mangalore ...
31 July 2019
AFRICA/NIGERIA - "Stop inciting hatred against the Fulani, that could lead to a civil war and genocide" warns Mgr. Kukah
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "The blanket and continued hate speeches against the Fulani herdsmen as being currently done on the social media, constitute a threat to the unity and peace of Nigeria", warns His Exc. Mgr. Matthe ...
31 July 2019
AMERICA/CHILE - Appeal for "mercy" and not to limit the possibilities of entry to a community in difficulty
Santiago (Agenzia Fides) - "We want to continue to contribute to the dialogue with the immigration authorities. We understand the need to regulate human mobility in the face of the limited capacity of the Country, but we ...
30 July 2019
AMERICA/MEXICO - Mexican laity have their patron: blessed Anacleto González Flores, martyr
Mexico City (Agenzia Fides) - "With great joy, the Mexican Bishops' Conference announced that the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments approved that Blessed Anacleto González Flores, mart ...
30 July 2019
ASIA/TURKEY - There are 12 potential candidates for the office of Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) - At least 12 bishops of the Armenian Apostolic Church are eligible to be elected as Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople, which remained vacant after the death of Mesrob II Mutafyan, who had bee ...
30 July 2019
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Human trafficking: "Let us not be distracted! There is a lot of complicity ..."
San Paolo (Agenzia Fides) - "Where is the brother you kill every day in the small clandestine factory, in the prostitution network, in children used for begging? Let us not be distracted! There is a lot of complicity ... ...
Total articles: 44486 - Page 613 of 613