16 July 2019
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of the Bishop of Srikakulam
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Francis appointed Fr. Vijaya Kumar Rayarala, P.I.M.E., currently Regional Superior of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions in India, as Bishop of the Diocese of Sri ...
16 July 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Lawyer Sandhu: "Justice and prayers for little Badal"
Faisalabad (Agenzia Fides) - "I will offer free legal assistance to little Badal’s family, the Christian child killed in recent days in the area of Faisalabad. I visited and brought my condolences to the family, ensuri ...
16 July 2019
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Letter of commitment from seminarians: "we cannot speak of vocation excluding the mission"
Santo Antônio da Patrulha (Agenzia Fides) - "The Congress was, without doubt, a moment of true awareness of the missionary journey of the Church in Brazil and in the world". This is what 235 diocesan and religious semin ...
15 July 2019
AMERICA/GUATEMALA - Bishops on possible agreement with Trump on migrants: "would cause serious damage regarding the good and sovereignty of the country"
Guatemala City (Agenzia Fides) - In the imminency of a probable agreement between the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, with Guatemalan President, Jimmy Morales, on the subject of migration that wo ...
15 July 2019
AFRICA/ANGOLA - Missionary from the bottom of his heart: 10 months since the abduction of Father Maccalli
Luanda (Agenzia Fides) - "Our communities in Angola are deeply involved and sensitive in the face of the abduction of Father Pier Luigi Maccalli. Our people suffer this absence with us, and hope with faith in his return" ...
15 July 2019
AMERICA/DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Amendment of the Constitution: concern and fears of an "imbalance of democratic stability"
Santo Domingo (Agenzia Fides) - The auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo, Mgr. Jesus Castro Marte, has warned that an "imbalance of democratic stability" could occur in the country following the political ...
15 July 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The Church next to the aboriginals
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "Thousands of citizens celebrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday in parishes throughout Australia. From the chaos of the big cities to the tranquility of the most remote communities ...
15 July 2019
ASIA/VIETNAM - Filipino priest Gerard Timoner III is elected the first Asian Master of the Dominicans
Bien Hoa (Agenzia Fides) - On 13 July Filipino priest, Father Gerard Timoner III was elected Master of the Order of Preachers (OP), or the Dominican Order, during the ongoing General Chapter of the order in Biên Hoà, V ...
13 July 2019
AFRICA/ERITREA - Father Zerai: "The international community must not be silent in the face of the tragedy of the Eritrean people"
Asmara (Agenzia Fides) - "The Catholic Church in Eritrea has always collaborated and cooperated with the institutions. With regards to healthcare, the quality of the service offered by our facilities was considered by th ...
13 July 2019
AFRICA/GHANA - The missionary who creates wheelchair Tricycles for the disabled: a hope for the "last among the last"
Accra (Agenzia Fides) - On the streets of Tamale, a Ghanaian town of over three hundred thousand inhabitants, you see boys and adults with disabilities. In those conditions, disabled people can only stay near their home. ...
13 July 2019
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Religious communities: "putting the most disadvantaged people at the center of social and political action"
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - "The electoral process does not have to necessarily mean crisis, because it is simply something that inevitably happens in democracies. Now it is necessary to revitalize democracy, not just ...
13 July 2019
AMERICA/PERU - Tía María mining project: communities mobilized, intervention of Bishops to avoid new conflicts
Arequipa (Agenzia Fides) - "The Presidency of the Peruvian Bishops’ Conference, in response to the reactions aroused by the 'Tía María Project', expresses concern about the possible development of this situation and ...
12 July 2019
ASIA/AFGHANISTAN - Concrete steps towards peace, but some dubious details remain
Doha (Agenzia Fides) - "In Doha, two meetings were held in recent days. The first is the intra-Afghan dialogue, between the Taliban delegation and some representatives of the Afghan society and government. The other was ...
12 July 2019
AFRICA/GUINEA BISSAU - Bishops ask the new government to guarantee peace and security
Bissau (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of Guinea-Bissau have asked the new government to guarantee peace and national security, in order to bring the country out of the crisis in which it has fallen in recent years.
In pa ...
12 July 2019
AFRICA/IVORY COAST - Presidential elections: tensions over the Ivorian Independent Electoral Commission
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - The new Ivorian Independent Electoral Commission (CEI), set up to prepare for the presidential elections to be held in 2020 (see Fides, 9/10/2018) is already a source of controversy. "There are ...
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