2 April 2019
AFRICA/EGYPT - 6,000 Coptic pilgrims will celebrate Easter in Jerusalem
Cairo (Agenzia Fides) - More than 6 thousand Coptic Orthodox Christians are ready to go to Israel to celebrate the liturgical feasts of Easter in Jerusalem, which this year, for the Coptic Orthodox Church, falls on April ...
2 April 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - The extraordinary missionary Month in Pakistan focuses on young people
Karachi (Agenzia Fides) - "The extraordinary missionary month will be a new wave of evangelization in the Church in Pakistan and will be a time to reach those who are far from the Church. In Pakistan, we have planned to ...
2 April 2019
AMERICA/BRAZIL - A response from the Brazilian Church to the Venezuelan migrant crisis
Leme (Agenzia Fides) - Solidarity in welcoming Venezuelan migrants is one of the challenges the Brazilian Catholic Church is facing in recent months. Most Venezuelans arrive in the country along the border of Pacaraima, ...
2 April 2019
AFRICA - "We are never too poor to help": Africa helps the victims of Cyclone Idai
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - "The Church of Africa has not remained silent. In addition to great moral and spiritual support, many dioceses in Africa have set up a special fundraiser to provide practical help to those affected ...
1 April 2019
ASIA/KAZAKHSTAN - Launch of the first project for Caritas Taraz
Taraz (Agenzia Fides) - "The long term dream of the community in Taraz is about to come true: after receiving a permit from the local government, the works on the soup kitchen were finalized and the community is planning ...
1 April 2019
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Bishops of Nicaragua denounce "the harsh repression against peaceful citizens"
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The Bishops of Nicaragua have condemned the harsh repression carried out last Saturday against peaceful demonstrators, who had gathered in the center of Managua. The protesters were literally at ...
1 April 2019
AFRICA - The wake of destruction left by cyclone Idai in southern Africa: the Church's aid campaigns
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) – After more than ten days since cyclone Idai hit southern Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi still live in extreme emergency conditions. "The official number of deaths in Mozambique alone - ...
1 April 2019
AFRICA/TOGO - Human promotion and evangelization: the Fulani have a well where they can draw water
Kolowaré (Agenzia Fides) - "Everytime the Fulani from the village of Wassarabo came to get water from us, they had to travel four kilometers. Now they finally have a well where can draw water", says to Agenzia Fides Fat ...
1 April 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - For the Catholic Church in Pakistan 2020 will be "the Year of Youth"
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "2020 will be the Year of Youth": announced Archbishop Joseph Arshad, at the head of the diocese of Islamabad and President of the Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan, to Agenzia Fides. The Chur ...
30 March 2019
AFRICA/MOZAMBIQUE - Cyclone IDAI: now the threat is cholera; CUAMM at work to assist the affected populations
Maputo (Agenzia Fides) - The official number of deaths is 493 people out of a total of 839.748 people affected, while 168.946 families are affected. These are the latest updated data sent to Agenzia Fides by Doctors with ...
30 March 2019
AMERICA/COLOMBIA - Cardinal Pimiento, one hundred years and seven Popes: "Discernment and wisdom to overcome polarization"
Bogotá (Agenzia Fides) - "As a Church in Colombia we have not always done the right thing. We should have begun to preach a Gospel of freedom so that Colombia would not begin its independent life as a quarrelsome countr ...
30 March 2019
OCEANIA/SOLOMON ISLANDS - The Guanellians: "Mission on the Ocean, combining evangelization and human promotion"
Gizo (Agenzia Fides) - "We are islanders with the islanders". Don Luigi de Giambattista, a Guanellian missionary, describes to Agenzia Fidesthe reality of his evangelical commitment in the Solomon Islands, in Oceania. In ...
30 March 2019
ASIA/INDIA - Suicide of a Hindu girl: extremists attack a Catholic school
Chinnasalem (Agenzia Fides) - A crowd of over 200 extremists attacked and devastated a Catholic school in Tamil Nadu, beating up the nuns present. The reason for the attack, which took place on March 26th, was the suicid ...
30 March 2019
AFRICA/MOROCCO - The Pope: Christians "want to do their part" in Moroccan society
Rabat (Agenzia Fides) - Christians present in Morocco "rejoice at the place made them in Moroccan society" and "want to do their part in building a united and prosperous nation, having at heart the common good of the peo ...
29 March 2019
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Bishops concerned about pension reform: penalizes the poor, women, peasants, the disabled
Brasilia (Agenzia Fides) - "Among our current concerns, we highlight the pension reform presented by the government to the National Congress for debate and approval", reads the statement of the Permanent Council of the B ...
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