27 March 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Suboro TV inaugurated, a television network linked to the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - A television channel born to serve "the glory of God and the growth of the Holy Church". This is the challenging and high-sounding business card with which Suboro TV was presented, the television ...
27 March 2019
ASIA/BANGLADESH - Catholic nurses and doctors on a spiritual journey, to give Christ at work
Dacca (Agenzia Fides) – To give adequate spiritual assistance to doctors, nurses, Catholic health workers who, especially in Dhaka, fail to attend Sunday Mass because of their professional activity: as Agenzia Fides le ...
27 March 2019
AMERICA/BOLIVIA - Bishops on religious freedom: "To recognize conscientious objection"
La Paz (Fides) - The General Secretary of the Bolivian Bishops’ Conference (CEB), Aurelio Pesoa Ribera, OFM, Auxiliary Bishop of La Paz, presented a bishops’ statement on two current issues in the country, on March 2 ...
26 March 2019
EUROPE/SWITZERLAND - Pastoral care of migrants, a great opportunity for the Catholic Church in Switzerland
Zurich (Agenzia Fides) - "If we manage to intensify coexistence between local faithful and immigrants and to make their cohabitation more gratifying, the pastoral care of migrants represents a great opportunity for the C ...
26 March 2019
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Violence and death will never be paths of peace and justice
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - In Argentina, March 24 is now commonly called the "National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice" (Día Nacional de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia), because it recalls the coup d'ét ...
26 March 2019
AFRICA/NIGERIA - "The continuous massacres in various parts of Nigeria risk sinking the Country into anarchy" warn the Bishops
Abuja (Agenzia Fides) - "The culture of death is increasingly part of our daily lives" denounce the Bishops of Nigeria in the message at the end of their first Plenary Assembly, referring to the "continuous horrific kill ...
26 March 2019
ASIA/INDIA - Catholics: in view of the elections, "No" to polarization in society
Varanasi (Agenzia Fides) - "The polarization of ethnic and religious communities must be avoided, in view of the elections": this is the appeal issued by the "All India Catholic Union" (AICU), the oldest organization of ...
26 March 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - National feast of the Annunciation "is part of the Lebanese mission"
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - The Marian solemnity of the Annunciation, celebrated yesterday in Lebanon as a national holiday, "is part of the Lebanese mission". With this feast "Lebanese Christians and Muslims manifest their ...
26 March 2019
AFRICA/MALI - Massacre in Ogossagou: Catholics and evangelicals united in prayer for the victims and for peace
Bamako (Agenzia Fides) - "The Bishops of Mali together with the evangelical community have sent a message of condolence to the nation, the President of the Republic and the Minister of Religious Affairs, for the massacre ...
25 March 2019
ASIA/LEBANON - Sheikh Nokkari: this is why the Annunciation of Mary is a national holiday in Lebanon
Beirut (Agenzia Fides) - In Lebanon, today's Marian solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord has been recognized a national holiday since 2010. Even today, in various Lebanese churches and sanctuaries, Christians and Mu ...
25 March 2019
VATICAN - The Pope remembers "the contemporary ordeal" of those persecuted and killed for faith
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - After the Marian prayer of the Angelus, the Holy Father reminded the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, the "Day of prayer and fasting in memory of the missionary martyrs" which was c ...
25 March 2019
AFRICA/ANGOLA - "Youth crime must be fought by creating jobs", say the Bishops
Luanda (Agenzia Fides) - Unemployment, youth crime, fiscal policy that destroys small businesses, the spread of AIDS, the proliferation of religious sects. These are the problems that afflict society according to the Bis ...
25 March 2019
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - March 25: mobilization in the country for the right to life since conception
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - More than 300,000 people participated in the march that took place in the capital, Buenos Aires, on Saturday 23 March, to say "Yes to life" and to demand respect for this fundamental human ...
25 March 2019
AFRICA/MALAWI - A Thanksgiving Mass in Parliament as new elections approach
Lilongwe (Agenzia Fides) - "As the term of office in Parliament comes to an end, it is good to recall that for five years, God has been working miracles through the various services the Honourable Members rendered to the ...
25 March 2019
ASIA/PAKISTAN - Fasting and prayer to combat terrorism, in Pakistan and New Zealand
Islamabad (Agenzia Fides) - "We are called to build peace in the world and give our contribution in the fight against terrorism that leads to the death of innocent victims, we condemn any form of attack against religious ...
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