1 October 2018
EUROPE/ITALY - Two houses in Rome offer shelter and assistance to vulnerable women migrants
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - One of the two houses in Rome which offers shelter and assistance to vulnerable women migrants was inaugurated yesterday, Sunday 30 September. The project is called "Chaire Gynai" which in Greek st ...
1 October 2018
AFRICA/ANGOLA - Resignation of the metropolitan Archbishop of Huambo and appointment of successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father Francis has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the metropolitan Archdiocese of Huambo (Angola), presented by His Exc. Mgr. José de Queirós Alves, C.SS.R. T ...
1 October 2018
AFRICA/DR CONGO - The Bishops' alarm: "There is still much to do before the vote on December 23rd"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "Progress has been made but there are still strong fears that the December 23 elections could be falsified". This is the message that Secretary General of the Congolese Episcopal Conference (CE ...
1 October 2018
AFRICA/TOGO - Extraordinary Missionary Month: the Gospel, a precious gift of Europe to Africa
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - "Today, with the rise of Pan-African movements, Europe is continuously sent from Africa to the court of history for its role, sometimes troubled and discussed, in the political and economic life of ...
28 September 2018
AMERICA/EL SALVADOR - Right to water: popular mobilization, with the support of the Church
San Salvador (Agenzia Fides) - Two marches took place yesterday morning on the streets of the capital of El Salvador, both of them headed towards the Legislative Assembly to ask deputies to approve a general law on water ...
28 September 2018
AFRICA/MOROCCO - The Bishops of North Africa denounce: "The rights of migrants are trampled"
Tangier (Agenzia Fides) - "We denounce the trampling of the fundamental rights of migrants", say the Bishops of North Africa in the statement published at the end of the Assembly of CERNA (Bishops' Conference of the Nort ...
28 September 2018
AFRICA/TOGO - The safety of priests: a great challenge for the African Church
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - "Is the African continent becoming hostile to priests? The number of kidnappings and murders against the religious continues to grow disproportionately, disturbing the commitment of many pastoral w ...
28 September 2018
ASIA/VIETNAM - The first female president "it is important to work on poverty and human rights"
Hanoi (Agenzia Fides) - The appointment of the first female president of Vietnam is an opportunity to "do more for the poor": says to Agenzia Fides Nguyen Thi A, a secular Catholic of the Archdiocese of Hanoi, highlighti ...
28 September 2018
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Youth gathering, in communion with the Synod Assembly: "Christ at the center of life"
Kundiawa (Agenzia Fides) - The youth of the diocese of Kundiawa, a town of Papua New Guinea and the capital of the province of Chimbu, express their closeness and trust in the Pope and in the whole Assembly of Bishops th ...
27 September 2018
AMERICA/UNITED STATES - The Bishops defend the assistance to immigrants and reception towards refugees
Washington (Agenzia Fides) - "The new proposed rulemaking on immigrants undermines decades of policies and guidelines on the treatment of immigrants by the US government". This is what was written by an official statemen ...
27 September 2018
ASIA/INDIA - Indian priests "impressed by the faith of the people of Orissa"
Kandhamal (Agenzia Fides) - "We appreciate and admire the authentic faith of the people of Orissa and of the faithful of Kandhamal, who remained firm in their faith even in the time of persecution, for the love of Jesus ...
27 September 2018
AFRICA - Extraordinary missionary month: between professed faith and lived faith, Africa remains "mission land"
Kara (Agenzia Fides) - "Africa is often represented, in an approximate way, as a land of mission at this stage rooted, ready to export its dynamism of faith to the ancient churches and missionary entities such as the wea ...
27 September 2018
AFRICA/TANZANIA - The solidarity of Pope Francis and the Tanzanian Bishops following the ferry accident on Lake Victoria
Dar es Salaam (Agenzia Fides) - "We pray for the deceased to rest in peace and wish the injured a quick recovery. We empathize with the injured and survivors of the accident. We pray that God grants them a quick recovery ...
27 September 2018
ASIA/INDIA - 12 episodes of violence against Christians in a month in Uttar Pradesh
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - Aggression and violence against Christians have been registered in recent weeks in Uttar Pradesh, a state in northern India. This is what A.C. Michael, human rights activist, Christian and for ...
26 September 2018
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - G20 Interfaith Forum: religious contributions for a dignified future
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) - The 2018 G20 Interfaith Forum will take place from 26 to 28 September 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the theme for this year’s Forum is “Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable ...
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