16 October 2018
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Catholic Church at the forefront of the anti-poverty week
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - The Australian Catholic Church is actively involved in the "Anti-poverty Week", until 20 October 2018. The initiative, which aims to raise awareness on issues related to poverty, was conceived as ...
16 October 2018
AFRICA/NIGER - "Release Fr. Gigi Maccalli": voices join in the appeal in favor of the kidnapped Italian missionary
Crema (Agenzia Fides) - "It is essential for us to express our closeness to the father Gigi Maccalli’s family, to all Madignano who wants to embrace their fellow citizen, sending this message to the Foreign Ministry: w ...
15 October 2018
AMERICA/MEXICO - Lifeless body of the parish priest who died three days ago has been found
Tijuana (Agenzia Fides) - Some days after his death, on the afternoon of Saturday 13 October, in Ley del Servicio Civil area (Tijuana), the lifeless body of father Ícmar Arturo Orta was found. This was announced by the ...
15 October 2018
AMERICA/BRAZIL - Mgr. Irineu Roman: "to give value to the expressions of faith brought by the people of the Amazon" as the Synod asks
Belem (Agenzia Fides) - Yesterday, Sunday October 14th, the second Sunday of the month, the "Cirio de Nazaré" feast was celebrated, as every year in Belem, capital of Pará state and one of the largest cities of the Ama ...
15 October 2018
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - "Strong insecurity in the diocese, while the UN sends contradictory messages", denounces the Bishop of Kaga-Bandoro
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "Where is the truth?" asks His Exc. Mgr. Tadeusz Kusy, Bishop of Kaga-Bandoro, in the central-northern part of the Central African Republic, complaining about the lack of transparency on behalf o ...
15 October 2018
AFRICA/TOGO - Togolese youth to Pope Francis: need to strengthen youth pastoral
Lome (Agenzia Fides) - In Togo we need "a concrete and effective accompaniment of young Catholics on behalf of priests", as well as a "strengthening of youth pastoral care". As reported to Fides, these are some of the re ...
15 October 2018
ASIA/TAJIKISTAN - Ethnic-religious reasons behind the tensions between minorities and government
Dushanbe (Agenzia Fides) - There are ethnic-religious reasons behind the tensions in the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, located in the eastern part of Tajikistan. This is what Giannicola Saldutti, an associate resea ...
15 October 2018
ASIA/TURKEY - A conference in Istanbul on Ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue in the Franciscan mission
Istanbul (Agenzia Fides) – From 15-29 October the XXIII Course of permanent formation for ecumenical and inter-religious dialogue in the Franciscan mission begins, organized in Istanbul by the Pontifical Antonianum Uni ...
15 October 2018
ASIA/MONGOLIA - The funeral ceremony: thanksgiving mass for Bishop Padilla
Ulaanbaatar (Agenzia Fides) - Bishop Wenceslao Padilla, Apostolic Prefect of Mongolia, who died from a heart attack on September 25 (see Fides 26/9/2018), three days before his 69th birthday, was buried in Ulaanbaatar on ...
12 October 2018
AMERICA/ECUADOR - Funeral of the priest found dead in Quito have been celebrated
Quito (Agenzia Fides) - The funeral of Fr. Arturo Rene Pozo Sampaz, presided over by the Archbishop of Quito, Mgr. Fausto Travez Travez, was celebrated yesterday, 11 October, in the Basilica of the Vote Nacional in Quito ...
12 October 2018
ASIA/KAZAKHSTAN - Dialogue is real, but strong restrictions remain in religious freedom
Astana (Agenzia Fides) - The "Kazakstan model" indicated by President Nursultan Nazarbayev as an example of interreligious peace and harmony to be applied on a global scale, "is real, but starts from the rather ambiguous ...
12 October 2018
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Too many delays in the preparation of the vote; the Bishops to the UN: "The hypothesis of postponing the elections appears again"
Kinshasa (Agenzia Fides) - "The hypothesis of a postponement of the elections appears again", warned the Bishops of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in front of the UN Security Council delegation who went to the DRC ...
12 October 2018
ASIA/INDONESIA - Camillians and volunteers from the diocese of Manado engaged together to provide rescue operations in Sulawesi
Palu (Agenzia Fides) - "I am in Palu, I visited some places where the earthquake sowed great devastation", says to Agenzia Fides Father Andi Suparman, a Camillian missionary, who arrived on the island of Sulawesi on beha ...
12 October 2018
AMERICA/CHILE - Appointment of National Director of the PMS, Fr. Luis Alberto Nahuelanca Munoz, OFM
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 31 July 2018 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed the rev. Fr. Luis Alberto Nahuelanca Munoz, OFM as National Director of th ...
12 October 2018
ASIA/INDIA - Jesuits alongside the poor to build a fair and respectful nation
Bangalore (Agenzia Fides) - The Jesuits of South Asia support the cause of the poor and with this spirit have promoted and launched the "Lok Manch" ("People's Forum"), a platform of leaders of civil society organizations ...
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