15 June 2018
AFRICA/BURUNDI - Care and assistance for the ethnic minority Batwa, the forgotten Pygmies
Bujumbura (Agenzia Fides) - The Batwa, an ethnic group which represents about 2% of population in Burundi, is a community still strongly discriminated against in a country that was torn apart by a civil war until 2005 an ...
15 June 2018
AFRICA/UGANDA - The Bishops: "We are worried about the wave of kidnappings"; most of the victims are women
Kampala (Agenzia Fides) - "We note with great concern that there has been an increase in kidnappings, organized crime and killings in our country", say the Bishops of Uganda in their final statement of their Plenary Ass ...
14 June 2018
AFRICA/SENEGAL - Caritas Senegal launches a national campaign for migrants and refugees
Dakar (Agenzia Fides) - From 19 to 24 June, Caritas Senegal is organising a week of shared activities with migrants and refugees in Dakar, as part of the Global Action Week of Caritas Internationalis.
The Global Action ...
14 June 2018
ASIA/IRAQ - Christians in the Nineveh Plain host Muslims for the evening meal that interrupts Ramadan fasting
Bartella (Agenzia Fides) - The initiatives of coexistence and reconciliation in the towns and villages of the Nineveh Plain in which the local Christian and Islamic communities find themselves sharing the iftar, the even ...
14 June 2018
ASIA/INDIA - The Church teaches the values of the Indian Constitution in Catholic schools
New Delhi (Agenzia Fides) - We need to read, comment and teach the new generations the Preamble of the Indian Constitution in Church-managed schools in India: this is what the Office for Education and Culture under the C ...
14 June 2018
ASIA/MYANMAR - Card. Bo: "The silence of Aung San Suu Kyi speaks of pain, responsibility, struggle for peace"
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "Peace in Myanmar is a primary commitment, not only for Myanmar, but for the whole world. It could become an example for the rest of the world: a country in which 135 different recognized ethnic ...
14 June 2018
AFRICA/SUDAN - The Comboni nuns are committed to education, integration and religious coexistence
Omdurman (Agenzia Fides) - The future of the country is in the hands of the new generations and a good preparation, not only academic, is the basis for building a society that respects the common good. This is what Siste ...
13 June 2018
ASIA/SOUTH KOREA - A Mass for peace, reconciliation and freedom of faith
Seoul (Agenzia Fides) - Cardinal Andrew Yeom Soo-jung, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Seoul and Apostolic Administrator of Pyongyang, celebrated a special "Mass for peace and reconciliation" in the Cathedral of Myeongd ...
13 June 2018
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - The Church condemns the murder of a priest: "Day of reparation"
Manila (Agenzia Fides) - Strong condemnation for "the increase of violence and the culture of impunity in the country against the helpless clergy": this is how the Bishops of the Philippines stigmatized the killing of Fr ...
13 June 2018
AMERICA/PERU - Caritas Peru: humanitarian aid and sustainable development projects for thousands of people in 2017
Lima (Agenzia Fides) - Caritas Peru realized 40 projects in 2017 with the support of 35 partner organizations, for 29,500 families, and at the same time, through its two social assistance programs, provided 193,306 peopl ...
13 June 2018
AFRICA/DR CONGO - Children in Mbandak sing "Ebola, Go away!"
Mbandaka (Agenzia Fides) - In Mbandaka, a city of 1.2 million people in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a major campaign is underway to raise awareness and prevent the Ebola virus which exploded on May 8 in the northwe ...
13 June 2018
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - "No to the exploitation of religion to sow hatred and division" say Bishops and Imams
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - "Religion is used to sow hatred among the population and divide the country", denounce in two different but concordant documents, the Catholic Bishops and the Imams of the Central African Republi ...
13 June 2018
ASIA/IRAQ - Chaldean Patriarch to Christians in Kurdistan: present yourselves united in the next elections
Erbil (Agenzia Fides) - The next elections for the parliament of the Autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan are scheduled for September 30, but already now Chaldean Patriarch Louis Raphael Sako addresses the whole "Christi ...
13 June 2018
ASIA/CHINA - An exhibition to commemorate the figure of the great Jesuit missionary Martino Martini in Hang Zhou
Hang Zhou (Agenzia Fides) - An exhibition dedicated to the cartographic work of Jesuit Fr. Martino Martini (1614-1661) was inaugurated at the headquarters of the China-Italy Center in Hang Zhou, the capital of the Chines ...
12 June 2018
ASIA/BANGLADESH - "War on drugs": an approach that respects human rights is necessary
Dhaka (Agenzia Fides) - An approach respectful of human rights and dignity regarding the problem of drugs in Bangladesh is urgent: says to Agenzia Fides Rita Haldar, a social assistant who works in Dhaka, commenting on t ...
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