8 June 2018
ASIA/INDIA - Appointment of the auxiliary Bishop of Miao
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – Today the Holy Father appointed Auxiliary rev. Fr. Dennis Panipitchai, S.D.B., currently Parish priest of Mary Immaculate Parish in Chingmeirong, as Bishop of the Diocese of Miao (India) ...
8 June 2018
AFRICA/SIERRA LEONE - "We want to collaborate with the new government, especially on education"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "We have a new government and we hope the health system, put to the test by the recent Ebola epidemic, is among its priorities", says His Exc. Mgr. Charles A.M. Campbell, Bishop of Bo and President ...
7 June 2018
AFRICA/ERITREA - A step towards peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea
Asmara (Agenzia Fides) - "The step taken by the Ethiopian government is positive and fills our hearts with happiness. Now it is up to Isayas Afeworki to act. He will decide if he really wants to make peace". Therefore so ...
7 June 2018
ASIA/JAPAN - Appointment of the National Director of the PMS, Fr. Joseph Naoki Momma
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 18 April 2018 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed, the rev. Fr. Joseph Naoki Momma, of the clergy of the Archdiocese of Tok ...
7 June 2018
EUROPE/SCOTLAND - Appointment of National Director of the PMS, Fr. Vincent Lockhart
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 7 December 2017 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed the rev. Fr. Vincent Lockhart, of the clergy of the Motherwell diocese, ...
7 June 2018
AFRICA/CENTRAL AFRICA - Two alleged French mercenaries sought by the Central African justice system for the massacre in the church of Bangui
Bangui (Agenzia Fides) - There is "overwhelming evidence" on the implication of two alleged French mercenaries in the massacre perpetrated on May 1 in Notre Dame de Fatima parish in Bangui, capital of the Central African ...
7 June 2018
ASIA/HONG KONG - Hong Kong prepares to welcome thousands of young people for international Taize pilgrimage
Hong Kong (Agenzia Fides) – Thousands of young Christians from around the world will gather from 8 to 12 August 2018 in Hong Kong for the Taize "Pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation".
"We live this initiative as a s ...
7 June 2018
ASIA/AFGHANISTAN - A Barnabite: "The fatwa of the ulema against terrorism: historical step for the country"
Kabul (Agenzia Fides) - "The attack against the Ulema Council is very serious. It is clear that those who carried it out are against the peace program proposed by these important religious figures. We are talking about ...
7 June 2018
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - The opening of the Vatican diplomatic Seat "warms the hearts of the victims of war"
Juba (Agenzia Fides) - "On behalf of the Catholic Church in Sudan and South Sudan, as well as all the people of Southern Sudan, I express my sincerest gratitude to the Holy Father. The step taken by our Pope Francis warm ...
6 June 2018
AMERICA/PARAGUAY - Confirmation of the National Director of the PMS, Fr. Osvaldo Duarte Ramirez, CSsR
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 26 April 2018 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, confirmed the rev. Fr. Osvaldo Duarte Ramirez, CSsR (Congregation of the Most Holy ...
6 June 2018
EUROPE/SLOVAKIA - Appointment of the National Director of the PMS, Fr. Ivan Kňaze
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 11 May 2018 Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, appointed the rev. Fr. Ivan Kňaze, of the diocesan clergy of Žilina as National Dir ...
6 June 2018
AFRICA/LIBERIA - Bishop Borwah: "Let's give President Weah time to act because the challenges are immense"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "The new President was elected by young people who feel neglected by the national leadership", says His Exc. Mgr. Anthony Fallah Borwah, Bishop of Gbarnga and President of the Episcopal Conference ...
6 June 2018
AFRICA/ETHIOPIA - The Bishops warning: "God has entrusted us with the responsibility of protecting children"
Addis Ababa (Agenzia Fides) - "All the followers of Christ have been entrusted with the task of protecting and helping children grow": says the Vicar Apostolic of Jimma Bonga, Mgr. Markos Gebremedhin, of the Congregation ...
6 June 2018
ASIA/INDIA - Archbishop of Goa: "The Indian Constitution is in danger"
Goa (Agenzia Fides) - "The Indian Constitution is in danger and many people live with a feeling of insecurity. It is urgent to protect the values of the Constitution, including the freedom to practice one's own religion" ...
6 June 2018
AMERICA/NICARAGUA - Support also by the American government for the Bishops' commitment to national dialogue
Managua (Agenzia Fides) - The US government supports the efforts of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua in the search for a negotiated solution to the conflict taking place in the country: says Vice President Pence dur ...
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