EUROPE/MALTA - Soccer schools "workshops" of missionary animation
Valletta (Agenzia Fides) - Soccer schools for children, the mission and a "sock-ball", a ball created with "socks", that is with the most varied recycled material, are the elements that will give life to the initiative " ...
EUROPE/POLAND - Next Saturday "Children's Missionary Synod 2022"
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - Children representing 33 dioceses in Poland will meet in Warsaw next Saturday, September 17, for the Missionary Synod dedicated to them (see Fides 22/10/2022). Four hundred participants, includin ...
EUROPE/ROMANIA - Summer missionary training for children and adolescents
Bucharest (Agenzia Fides) - The month of August that has just ended saw three proposals for missionary formation for children and adolescents carried out by the direction of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) in Roma ...
EUROPE/ITALY - StoptheWarNow: Third peace convoy is on its way
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "I am leaving for Ukraine to give a witness of solidarity, to cry with those who cry, but also to bring, in addition to the greeting of the Italian Bishops, a message of peace and non-violence and ...
EUROPE/ITALY - Animation tools available in view of World Mission Sunday
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Theological insights and handouts for the missionary vigil, the rosary and Eucharistic adoration. These are the tools designed by the Missio Foundation, which can now be downloaded, on the occasion ...