6 October 2023
EUROPE/ITALY - Laurea Honoris Causa to author Maria Eugénia Neto, widow of one of the African revolutionary leaders received by Paul VI
Rome (Fides News Agency) - "There is a long history of friendship between our two countries, similar to the time when a Pope received, for the first time, representatives of nationalist movements at war with colonizing P ...
2 October 2023
EUROPE/ITALY - First Regional Gathering of foreign priests: "not simple stopgaps to compensate for the lack of Italian priests"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Today, Monday, October 2, the First Regional Gathering of foreign priests who carry out pastoral service in the dioceses of Lazio took place.
The meeting, which is part of the missionary month of ...
1 October 2023
Therese, Rome and the world
by Gianni Valente
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, proclaimed by Pope Pius XI co-patron of the missions with Saint Francis Xavier, lived a good part of her short and fragile l ...
28 September 2023
EUROPE/AUSTRIA - A musical that tells the story of Blessed Jaricot delights the audience Vienna
Vienna (Agenzia Fides) - On September 30th, the successful musical “Pauline - Courage Changes the World” about the life story of Pauline Marie Jaricot, the foundress of the Pontifical Society for the Propagation of t ...
23 September 2023
EUROPE/FRANCE - The Pope in Marseille: those who risk their lives in the Mediterranean cannot be rejected as "invaders"
Marseille (Agenzia Fides) - Faced with the multitudes of migrants trying to reach Europe, ports are closed and "people's fears" are fueled, with talk of an "invasion" and an "emergency". But "those who risk their lives a ...
21 September 2023
EUROPE/ITALY - Father Pier Luigi Maccalli on the nature of the mission
Genoa (Agenzia Fides) - "In 2023 I reported on my experiences in different cities in Italy. After speaking about my experiences as a missionary kidnapped in the Sahel, there was always room for questions from the audienc ...
16 September 2023
EUROPE/RUSSIA - The Catholic Bishops in Moscow: the mission does not complain about "difficult times"
Moscow (Agenzia Fides) - "It is not our pastoral plans, not our personal projects that make the Church grow, but our humble but persistent witness to God. Let us remember the words of Pope Benedict XVI: The Church does n ...
15 September 2023
EUROPE/ITALY - The 'flying bishop': "The Earth is like a sister and is beautiful like a mother who welcomes us in her arms"
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "Today, listening to the cry of the poor and the earth, the degradation of nature, of rivers, the growing disappearance of diversity, the unbridled consumption of fossil fuels, the destruction of f ...
6 September 2023
EUROPE/ITALY - Father Dario Dozio: Do you have to go far to be a missionary?
Feriole (Agenzia Fides) - "I spent thirty years in the Ivory Coast as a missionary. The first fifteen years in the diocese of Bondoukou, in a rural area, with very few Christians. I did not even have a church: I celebrat ...
5 September 2023
EUROPE/ITALY - Archbishop Nappa to newly appointed Bishops: You are actors in continuing missionary work
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - "We are working together "to better show the universal face of the Church", said Archbishop Emilio Nappa in his address to the one hundred and eleven newly appointed bishops from the mission areas ...
25 August 2023
EUROPE/RUSSIA - Pope Francis to young Russian Catholics: good diplomats are good for humanity
by Chiara Dommarco
St. Petersburg (Agenzia Fides) - "God called us from the beginning, he called each of us by name, face to face. Despite our weaknesses". This is how Pope Francis expressed himself during his speech, ...
12 August 2023
EUROPE/PORTUGAL - Chinese Pilgrims at World Youth Day: Faith is a “Joy and a grace”
by Victor Gaetan
Lisbon (Fides News Agency) - The five-star red flag of China flew big and bold, near ones from Argentina and Portugal, close to the front of World Youth Day’s stage as Via Crucis was about to beg ...
4 August 2023
EUROPE/PORTUGAL - From Slovenia to WYD through Madagascar, Turkey, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Kenya
Lisbon (Fides News Agency) - Klemen, Špela and Zala, coming from Slovenia, are part of the over one million boys and girls who are meeting up in Lisbon in the coming days for World Youth Day (WYD) with the Holy Father. ...
2 August 2023
"One heart, one mission, witnesses of God's Love in the world": XVIII General Chapter of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles
Nemi (Fides News Agency) – On July 9, 2023, the XVIII General Chapter of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles (NSA) opened in Nemi, Rome. The opening Mass of the Chapter was presided over by Cardinal Luis Antonio Go ...
28 July 2023
EUROPE/PORTUGAL - The Pontifical Mission Societies at World Youth Day, as from today an online web page dedicated to the event
Lisbon (Agenzia Fides) - The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) will be present at the XXXVII World Youth Day in the City of Joy, within the Vocational Fair, where young people will come into contact with different movem ...
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