29 July 2016
EUROPE/CROATIA - Confirmation of the National PMS Director Rev. Antun Stefan
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) – Cardinal Fernando Filoni, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples, on 30 June 2016, confirmed Rev. Antun Stefan, a member of the clergy of the diocese of Varazdin ...
28 July 2016
EUROPE/POLAND - The Church's Social Teaching with an app especially for young people
Krakow (Agenzia Fides) – The Archbishop of Manila, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, on 26 July presented the young participants at the 31 World Youth Day in Krakow an app on the Catholic Church’s Social Teaching create ...
26 July 2016
EUROPE/FRANCE - An elderly priest has his throat slit as he celebrates Mass
Rouen (Agenzia Fides) – This morning an elderly priest, Fr. Jacques Hamel, aged 84, had his throat cut while he was celebrating mass in the church of Saint Etienne du Rouvray, Normandy (France). Two men entered the ch ...
25 July 2016
EUROPE/UNITED KINGDOM - Growing cooperation between Caritas Westminster and Jewish Volunteering Network (JVN)
EUROPE/UNITED KINGDOM – Growing cooperation between Caritas Westminster and Jewish Volunteering Network (JVN)
London (Agenzia Fides) – Growing cooperation between the volunteers of Caritas Westminster and Jewish Vo ...
21 July 2016
EUROPE/ITALY - Comboni Missionaries: 2017 dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the foundation
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - Daniele Comboni (1831-1881) founded the Institute for the Missions of Nigrizia in 1867, which then became "Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus". After a first unforgettable missionary experi ...
18 July 2016
EUROPE/ITALY - Stories, games and comics to bring children closer to solidarity and disability
Milan (Agenzia Fides) – Reporting the world of disability to children, with a magazine that speaks their language. But also to explain in a simple manner the importance of sight and the living conditions of blind peopl ...
13 July 2016
EUROPE/ITALY - Volunteers, doctors, nurses continue their commitment towards the population in South Sudan
Padova (Agenzia Fides) - "I am with you in a direct and personal way to share what we are experiencing in South Sudan, particularly in Juba, the capital". This is what Fr. Dante Carraro, Director of Doctors with Africa C ...
6 July 2016
EUROPE/POLAND - Missionary Animation focuses on young people
Warsaw (Agenzia Fides) - 42 participants, from 15 dioceses of Poland, attended the second level Course for Missionary Animators, organized by the Missionary Animation Centre in Warsaw from 27 June to 1 July. According to ...
21 June 2016
EUROPE/SPAIN - Back to school: project for the schooling of 100 Syrian children in Lebanese public schools
San Sebastian (Agenzia Fides) - "Vuelta a la escuela" is a new project promoted by the NGO Solidaridad Internacional to support the schooling of 100 Syrian children in the Lebanese school system. Ten refugee teachers wil ...
17 June 2016
EUROPE/SPAIN - Humanitarian projects in favor of refugees and displaced in Lebanon, Thailand and Egypt
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - In the world, to date, just over 59 million people have been forced to leave their countries of origin mainly because of wars and internal conflicts. 19 and a half million are refugees, 38 millio ...
13 June 2016
EUROPE/SPAIN - A hundred kilometers of running against poverty and hunger
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) – A marathon was recently held in Madrid: "My kilometers change your life" promoted by Oxfam Trailwalker Intermón in Madrid. The aim of this initiative, now in its eleventh year around the world ...
7 June 2016
EUROPE/SPAIN - The plight of albinos at risk for false popular beliefs
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - On June 13, we celebrate International Albinism Awareness Day and the European Day of Skin Cancer Prevention. The phenomenon of albinism penalizes and affect the daily lives of so many people. In ...
7 June 2016
EUROPE/SPAIN - Collection of school material for Senegalese children in Thiès
O Grove (Agenzia Fides) - The Spanish Association For a smile O Grove organizes a school material collection campaign with the goal of helping school children from Thiès in Senegal. It may be just a notebook, a pencil, ...
1 June 2016
EUROPE/GREECE - Refugee women and children's rights: a meeting of the Conference of European Churches
Thessaloniki (Agenzia Fides) - Women and children figure prominently as refugees in mass movements of people in recent months and their rights will be at the forefront of a meeting organized in Greece by the Conference o ...
23 May 2016
EUROPE/SPAIN - A market to help refugee children in Lebanon
Siviglia (Agenzia Fides) - Help us to help, is the motto of a trade market organized by the Andalusian Palestino Association for Children, intended to raise funds for eye and ear surgeries regarding children living in re ...
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