23 December 2015
EUROPE/POLAND - The "Star Singers" of the Holy Childhood Association are committed to helping other people their age in Madagascar
Varsavia (Agenzia Fides) – Durante il tempo di Natale, anche in Polonia i bambini dell'Infanzia Missionaria si impegnano a coinvolgere altre persone per sostenere le missioni attraverso l’iniziativa dei “Cantori d ...
18 December 2015
EUROPE/GERMANY - The "Star Singers" recognized as intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO
Aachen (Agenzia Fides) - For the 58th time, in the days leading up to January 6th 2015, the "Star Singers" (Sternsinger) of the Holy Childhood Association in Germany, will be on the country’s street-corners singing ...
17 December 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - The Church's pastoral plan: "No one must take away the joy of the Gospel and the mission"
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "We know that all times have been difficult for evangelization and for the Church": With this sentence the new Archbishop of Barcelona, His Exc. Mgr. Juan José Omella, presented the new pastoral ...
9 December 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - Bishop of Cadiz y Ceuta asks each parish to engage in a work of mercy
Cadiz (Agenzia Fides) - Every parish or religious community has a challenge over the next twelve months. The Bishop of the Diocese of Cadiz y Ceuta, His Exc. Mgr. Rafael Zornoza Boy, has asked every parish to assume a co ...
4 December 2015
EUROPE/SWITZERLAND - ILO: New Protocol for the abolition of all forms of slavery
Geneva (Agenzia Fides) - The eradication of all forms of slavery, such as human trafficking, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labour, forced marriage, and the forced recruitment of children for use in armed ...
3 December 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - Campaign in aid of refugees to guarantee shelter, food, clothing, medicines, psychological assistance, education and pastoral care
Seville (Agenzia Fides) – According to the United Nations Organisation in the world at present there are some 60 million displaced persons, the largest number of them come from Syria. Many undertake exhausting journeys ...
2 December 2015
EUROPE/ITALY - “A Indian tree” World Day for Persons with Disabilities
Milan (Agenzia Fides) – Today about 15% of the world population is affected by some sort of disability. One billion according to a 2011 of report. Of these 80% live in developing countries, where basic health care is n ...
1 December 2015
EUROPE/ITALY - "There is life beyond HIV": more than half of those eligible to treatment are still without care
Rome (Agenzia Fides) - 45% of the 37 million people living with HIV are unaware of being infected with the virus. On the occasion of the World Day against HIV/AIDS, which is celebrated on December 1 each year, the NGO Do ...
27 November 2015
EUROPE/ITALY - The death of Don Luigi Mazzucato, for over half a century director of Cuamm
Padua (Agenzia Fides) - "Sad, but with the serenity that comes from the fulfillment of a long life devoted to others, we announce the death of Don Luigi Mazzucato, director of Doctors with Africa-Cuamm 1955-2008". Th ...
24 November 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - Poverty: main cause of the violation of children's rights
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - Poverty is the main cause of human rights violations, even young children are deprived of basic needs such as education, health care, access to safe water and sufficient and adequate food. In add ...
19 November 2015
EUROPE/RUSSIA - Archbishop Hilarion: France and Russia allies against terrorists "servants of Satan"
Moscow (Agenzia Fides) - "Russia and France were allies during the last great war and defeated the Brown Plague (Nazism, ed) together. Now we must together oppose the plague of international terrorism for the sake of the ...
10 November 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - Cardinal Filoni at the Universidad San Damaso for the 50th anniversary of the "Perfectae caritatis" and "Ad Gentes" Decrees
Madrid (Agenzia Fides) - "The ongoing commitment of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, together with the Episcopal Conferences and individual Bishops, is to bring the local Churches in mission territorie ...
16 October 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - The redemption of rights: day for the eradication of poverty
Seville (Agenzia Fides) - On October 17 in Andalucía, as in the rest of Spain and the world people and organizations will mobilize to collect and launch proposals for Human Rights, in order to have a sustainable world, ...
16 October 2015
EUROPE/SPAIN - Thousands of faithful at the closing celebrations of the Teresian Jubilee
Avila (Agenzia Fides) - The V centenary of the birth of Saint Teresa of Jesus ended yesterday, Thursday, October 15, with the Holy Mass celebrated in the Great Market of Avila (Spain) by the President of the Spanish Epis ...
15 October 2015
EUROPE/SERBIA - Rigid temperatures and difficult conditions for refugees
Presevo (Agenzia Fides) - According to data collected by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), at the end of September the number of people emigrated between Turkey and Greece reached 7,000 a day. The rough ...
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