7 January 2020
OCEANIA/NEW ZEALAND - Appointment of the auxiliary Bishop of Auckland
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On 6 January 2020, the Holy Father appointed Rev. Michael Andrew Gielen of the clergy of Hamilton, auxiliary bishop of the diocese of Auckland (New Zealand), currently Director for the form ...
23 December 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Christmas is the feast of the gift of the Christ Child
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "Christmas is that wonderful time of the year, when we go home and get together with family and friends. It is a moment in which we give thanks to the Lord for the gift of his Son as Savior ...
16 December 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Children of today, our guardians of tomorrow
Bereina (Agenzia Fides) - "Children, what would you like to do today? It was fun to ask this question to our students of the Jesus Good Shepherd Primary school just after the flag-raising and prayer, to celebrate the rig ...
14 December 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Reconciliation and peace first of all: the post-referendum expectations on Bougainville
Bougainville (Agenzia Fides) - On December 7, the referendum on independence of the autonomous region of Bougainville from Papua New Guinea concluded. 98 percent of the citizens of the islands that make it up voted in fa ...
29 November 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Mission is the "DNA" of Christian identity: the vocation of Catholic laity
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "Mission should not be reduced to some activities: it is the DNA of our Christian identity and existence": this was stated by Father Valentine Gryk, National Director of the Pontifical Miss ...
27 November 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - "Let us remain united as one people": referendum on Bougainville
Bougainville (Agenzia Fides) - After twenty years of bloody civil war, which claimed 15 thousand victims, the referendum for the independence of the island of Bougainville from Papua New Guinea was launched. The referend ...
26 November 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - The mission of the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd in the "land of the unexpected"
Bereina (Agenzia Fides) - "It is difficult to believe that in 2019 there are people who still live in poverty, daily chew small walnuts in order not to feel the pangs of hunger (betel nut), die from tuberculosis, live in ...
18 November 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Catholic Mission support for victims of terrorism in Sri Lanka
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "I recently returned from one of the most difficult journeys of my priestly life: I visited the survivors of the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka, innocent people whose lives were torn to piece ...
12 November 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Dialogue and evangelization in the family
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "Constant and eloquent dialogue in families is essential to build healthy relationships". As Fides learns, this was the main message by the Vicar General of the Diocese of Goroka, Fr. Piotr ...
12 November 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - An Australian Bishop: "Refugees live in inhuman conditions"
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "I’ve heard of the precarious conditions of refugees and asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea. However, after meeting some of them, I realized that the situation in which they live is inhum ...
8 November 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Solidarity for West Papua: young people mobilize the Church and government authorities
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "How can we define ourselves as a Christian nation if we do not pay attention and help our neighbors?": Is the question raised during the debate on "Freedom for West Papua" by the students ...
5 November 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The Church in prayer for the gift of rain
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - The Catholic Church in Australia is dedicating the month of November as a time to pray for those affected by crippling drought conditions that is affecting certain areas of the country. According ...
29 October 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Extraordinary missionary Month: new technologies as a tool to "preach from the roofs"
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - The continuous evolution of the mass media and communication landscape requires a proactive approach on behalf of the Church, so that it can remain close to people. This is what Agatha Fere ...
25 October 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The profile of the Australian Catholic community: a Report of the Pastoral Research Center
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - Of the more than 5 million Catholics surveyed in Australia, 1,304,993 were born overseas, 136,360 do not speak English well and 305,823 live in poverty: these are some of the data in a Report on ...
18 October 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Resignation of the Bishop of Kimbe and appointment of his successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Kimbe, Papua New Guinea, presented by His Exc. Mgr. William Regis Fey, O.F.M. Cap.
The Pope has appoin ...
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