19 February 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - "One heart, many voices": conference in preparation for the extraordinary missionary Month
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "The intention behind the extraordinary missionary Month announced by Pope Francis is to cultivate a spirit of missionary conversion in each of us, as well as in the life and pastoral activity of ...
8 February 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Catholic women "responding to the Spirit": the commitment to the life of the Church
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "Shaking the waters: Catholic women responding to the Spirit": is the title of the congress organized from 22nd to 24th February by the Council for Australian Catholic Women, an advisory body in ...
7 February 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Flood in Townsville, the Bishop: "Do not give up: there is new life after death"
Townsville (Agenzia Fides) - "It is necessary to remember that we may have lost clothes and personal belongings, but we have our lives.
When we can all return to our homes, we can put everything back in its place. It i ...
1 February 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The Bishops: "May the most vulnerable be the priority of electoral programs"
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "In recent years, in view of some of the federal elections, the Australian Catholic Social Justice Council has prepared some leaflets addressing key social justice issues and containing questions ...
31 January 2019
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - The Catholic aborigines: "Postpone Australian Day to May 27"
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "January 26, 1788 was not a day of celebration for the aborigines and the inhabitants of Torres Strait Islands, nor for the passengers of the 'first fleet', a mixture of prisoners and military pe ...
30 January 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Bishops’ appeal: The mental health of refugees and asylum seekers in Manus is exacerbated
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "Despair, precarious state of health, self-harm: this is the context in which I found myself in Lorengau, on the island of Manus, and at the Pacific International Hospital (PIH) of Port Mor ...
23 January 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - "Laudato Sì Generation", from Papua to Panama
Panama (Agenzia Fides) - An "ecological conversion" is urgent, that derives from a change of lifestyle, in Papua New Guinea and in the whole world. "Deforestation with the consequent climate change, mining without protec ...
3 January 2019
OCEANIA/PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Church appeal: "Manus refugees await freedom"
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "The current situation of the almost 500 refugees on Manus island - which hosts the asylum seekers rejected by Australia - causes us great suffering. The refugees were brought back to Manus ...
28 December 2018
OCEANIA/WALLIS ET FUTUNA - Resignation of the Bishop of Wallis et Futuna and appointment of successor
Vatican City (Agenzia Fides) - On December 24, 2018 the Holy Father Francis the resignation from the pastoral care of Wallis et Futuna (Pacific Islands), presented by His Exc. Msgr. Ghislain de Rasilly, SM, and appointed ...
19 December 2018
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Bishops' appeal for Christmas: "Let's find refugees a home"
Port Moresby (Agenzia Fides) - "Enough is enough. It is time to find these people a home and to definitively end the intolerable situation": says the Archbishop of Brisbane, Mark Coleridge, President of the Australian B ...
18 December 2018
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Mission: One heart Many voices,
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - "Mission: Mission: One heart Many voices" is the title of the missionary conference to be held in Sydney from 13 to 15 May 2019, organized by "Catholic Mission", the National Directorate of the P ...
15 December 2018
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - Auxiliary Bishop of Melbourne: “our mission is to minister to Australians who never come to church
Melbourne (Agenzia Fides) - “One of the main and most urgent challenges we face in Australia, and it is an urgent mission, is to reach those who claim to be Catholic but do not come to Church ”. Fides was talki ...
11 December 2018
OCEANIA/ PAPUA NEW GUINEA - “Called to fullness of life and love”: Young people follow Blessed ToRot
Rabaul (Agenzia Fides) – “Called to fullness of life and love”: is the theme of a National Youth Congress taking place in Vunapope, a province of New Britannia, in Papua New Guinea, with the participation of 260 y ...
19 November 2018
OCEANIA/AUSTRALIA - "Let us bring them to safety": the Church next to Nauru refugee children
Sydney (Agenzia Fides) - There are over 40 refugee children detained by the Australian government on the island of Nauru in inhumane conditions: to draw the attention of Australian politicians and public opinion on this ...
22 October 2018
OCEANIA/SOLOMON ISLANDS - Historic event for the diocese of Auki: the first native bishop of the Solomon Islands
Auki (Agenzia Fides) - Mgr. Peter Houhou is the first native Solomon Islander to be appointed as Bishop in the Solomon Islands. As Agenzia Fides learns, the diocese of Auki, Malaita province, has in fact been the protago ...
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